Chapter 7 Hidden Secrets

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It took her a while to finish her shower, but once she is done, she took a towel covering her body with another small towel wrapping her hair. "It feels great to be refreshed,"

Then, Nesby headed to the sink and decided to cleanse her face before brushing her teeth. She took her cleanser, squeezing a little blob on her palm and warm it up with her hands after adding a little bit of water.

Afterwards, Nesby applied the cleanser on her face, but some of it accidentally got into her eyes, causing it to be a little painful. "Ouch, that's painful,"

She quickly washed off the cleanser, only for her to wipe off the excess water and saw her eyes turning yellow even though her eyes are no longer painful and her expression wasn't angry at all. Her only thought was that the cleanser triggered her eyes.

"I wasn't feeling any anger, sadness or anything, but I guess it might be the cleanser triggering the transformation,"

Speaking of her eyes, she suddenly thought of how to tell Fiona all of the because she, herself doesn't have the intention to tell her at first. "I felt something is urging me to tell Fiona about the deepest secret I had, but I also felt it's too early,"

With that problem, she had a lot of hesitations in her head. In the end, she shook things off and still decided to keep it a secret for now. "Guess it will be safe if I keep it first,"

Later, Nesby proceeded to brush her teeth and change her clothes before she heads out to her room. However, she has to run for her live and sneak into her room because to her surprise, her eyes still hasn't turned back to green which adds her worries.

Luckily, she was able to run in time before Fiona saw her. Nesby gently locked the door and felt relieved that she wasn't caught.

"Thankfully, Fiona doesn't know,"

At the other side, Fiona, who was in her room, heard stomping noises which was actually from Nesby. She doesn't know who did the noises and went to check, only for her to see an empty hallway.

"Maybe I heard it wrong since I felt my ears aren't working well recently. Guess I should give them a check tomorrow or someday," Fiona was left confused and closed the door.

For Nesby, she looked at herself on the mirror to see her bright, yellow eyes. This was still in her head because she had a feeling the secret will be still known by Fiona one day. "What kind of explanation I should give her if this secret was known?"

She heads to bed with that question lingering in her head, no matter she tries to shake it off, she could never do it because of how irritating it is. However, she was still able to sleep after minutes of overthinking.

The next day, Nesby woke up from bed and probably because she is too tired last night, she slept until 9am. The first she did is scratching her hair, to realize her oily hair. "I didn't expect that all the time,"

In the end, she decided to wash her hair after experiencing uncomfortable from the oiliness. Nesby got up from bed and grabbed the towel she used yesterday before heading to the bathroom.

Since she is only washing her hair, Nesby has to be careful not to get her clothes wet in the shower. It usually takes her a while to wash since she has long hair.

Once she is done, she wrapped her hair with a towel and brushed her teeth as part of her daily routine. Later, she heads back to her room and dried her hair with that hairdryer. She wanted to do it slowly, but the clock was pointing close to 10 which made her gave up drying her hair with the hairdryer, but instead a towel.

Simplifying the dressing, Nesby heads down to start the day. "Time to start the day after having a good sleep last night,"

Nesby heads downstairs to see Fiona making breakfast. "Morning, Fiona. You are making breakfast?"

"Yes, I was,"

"What is for breakfast?"

"Waffles. I am not too sure if you eat waffles, but if you don't eat them, then it's fine though,"

"Well, I haven't had this kind of breakfast for so long, so it's no big deal for me,"

Nesby heads to the kitchen and grabbed her plate and fork for breakfast. While waiting for the waffles, she scrolled her phone only for her to bump into a post that says 'Something unbelievable will happen today. When you met them, your life will change'

"What am I seeing now?" Nesby has a lot of questions in her head. "I don't understand how people actually believe in these predictions,"

"What are you reading about?" Fiona took out her plate of waffles and placed it on the table.

"Got this prediction early in the morning which I don't know if it's true or not," Nesby said.

"Ohh, usually I don't believe in predictions, so I sorta understand what you are thinking of. I guess it's up to a person if they want to believe on it or not,"

"Well, I decided not to believe in it because it's just untrue,"

Nesby took one of the waffles from the stack of waffles and placed it on her plate. "Wait a minute, do we have maple syrup in the house?"

"I don't remember having maple syrup in the house, but we can go find it one day,"

"Well, it's ok then," Nesby felt a little disappointed, but at least she was able to have chocolate waffles as her breakfast.

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