One more stipulation - Dean & Sam Winchester

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Platonic. No Wincest. Not sorry.

As Y/N stands across from the vampire she's been hunting, the sound of a door being kicked open came from the front of the house.

"I told you to come alone!" The vamp snarls at the hunter.

"I did come alone!" She glares at him, clutching her machete tighter as she prepares herself for a fight. "How do I know it's not one of your goons?"

"Because they don't know that I'm here," he scowls back at her before turning his back to her to leave the room.

As soon as he went to step through the door way, his head was cleanly taken off by a machete that didn't belong to her.

Her eyes widen in shock at what just happened. She was sure no other hunter was on this vampires trail and she was sure no one was tailing her. She made sure of it. Every hunter that got close, she threw them off and directed them to where she knew another case would keep them preoccupied enough for her to move forward.

"No, no, no," she shakes her head, her shock turning to feelings of helplessness and dread as she paces the room willing herself not to cry in frustration and defeat.

"Are you okay?" A soft voice speaks from the door way.

Her attention snaps towards the man seeing him standing there with another man. Both of them stood easily over six feet tall. One has long shaggy dark hair, the other short mousey blonde hair.

A rage comes over her as she sends them both a death glare, her hand tightening around the machete once more, wanting nothing more than to kick their asses all the way to the next town.

"What have you done?!" She screams at them.

"Saved you from becoming that vamps next meal," the shorter of the two, the blonde one, spoke, his voice deep and rough. "You're welcome."

"You didn't save me! You just got my sister killed, you idiots!" She continues to yell as she starts to pace the room again, trying to come up with a new plan. "Now what am I supposed to do?!"

"They have your sister?" The taller one asks, a look of guilt instantly coming across his face. The other kept his face stoic but his eyes held a small amount of guilt.

She stops pacing and looks at them. "You just killed the one way I was going to get her back. He was helping me."

"You were trusting a vamp to get your sister back?" The shorter one spoke looking like at her like she was the stupid one in this situation.

"I know it sounds stupid but he loved my sister," she tells them as she continues to glare at the blonde. "They were married before he was turned against his will. He left a note saying he had to leave. She wouldn't accept that so went looking for him."

"She found him," the taller one says seeing where she was going with her story. She nods confirming it. "We can help get her back. It's the least we can do."

"How can I trust you?" She asks looking between the two men.

"You trusted the vamp," the blonde points out.

"He was family," she glares at him.

"My name is Sam, this is my brother Dean," Sam introduces them. "It's not safe taking on a vamps nest alone so please, let us help."

"Why do you talk like I haven't taken on vampires before?" She asks a little offended by his words. "How do you think I found my brother-in-law?"

"Well then, good luck finding your sister," Dean spoke as he turns on his heel to leave.

"Dean!" Sam frowns in frustration at his older brother.

"Wait, your last name wouldn't happen to be Winchester, would it?" She asks them.

"Yeah, it is," Sam answers as Dean turns back to her.

"If you're going to help me, don't fuck it up anymore than you already have. And you're telling my sister you killed her husband." She tells them leaving no room for argument or negotiation.

"Of course," Sam agrees for the both of them.

"I also have one more stipulation," she looks between the brothers. Both of them looked at her confused. "You have to clean up this mess. You did cause it after all." She pushes past them and walks out of the abandoned house missing the glare Dean throws his brother.

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