Rant on final episode

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Sorry that this is not an update I will post a chapter as soon as I can. Spoilers for final episode of season 1

Season 1 final episode had so many plot twist I can't even begin with just one. The fact that some how in a confusing way Porsche and Chay's "mother" is alive is confusing in its own part. Then why did we only get a little bit of VegasPete fluff near the end. I NEED more of it. I do hope season 2 will focus more on them and KimChay. The whole Porsche's "mother" being the foster sister of Korn and Gun are a whole other confusing storyline I don't know if I want to know. I don't trust Korn for a whole second because it also goes not seem the "mother" is the actual mother of Porsche and how just as Gun was about to say the "mother" was something be shot him 🤔.

Very suspicious of you Korn. I honestly did not know who to feel bad for, Porsche, Pete, Vegas, Chay, Kinn, and even Gun for some reason. Because they did make changes from the novel to the show like how Big was not the traitor and it was Ken. The storyline was also not as toxic and harsh as it was in the novel. So maybe just maybe Gun did not SA Porsche mother. I know it's a stretch but still and I'm not saying Gun was a good person as he did beat his Children and has killed people. Also Porsche is getting his memories back so maybe it was Korn who killed Porsche and Chay's father, who knows.

It was nice to see Kim apologizing to Chay and for Pete and Vegas accepting each other and being happy. I do hope Venice will make an appearance in Season 2. Hopefully Macau will get a storyline in the next season, I love how people have been shipping him with Chay and I'm pretty sure these two have never met. I am sad that we lost characters that I loved and liked like Chan, Big, Ken y'all can fight me in the comments for this character, the hedgehog may he Rest In Peace, Erika who will never be forgotten for being an absolute Bad ass boss till the end.

With Porsche being the new Minor Family head will be interesting as the story progresses. It's nice to see these two happy at last with everything they have gone through.
I do hope season 2 will also focus on Tae and Time story as Tae deserves a better man than Trash oh sorry time.

In Apo, Mile, Build, Bible, Jeff, Barcode and the rest of the cast did an amazing job and I couldn't have wished for a better cast. The crew and directors did an incredible job as well, they captured the world of KinnPorsche beautifully. Build and Bible did an especially good job with how intense their scenes were and how they used method acting that left them exhausted physically and mentally. I hope they got plenty of rest after those scenes.

Barcode did an amazing job especially at only 17 he used method acting and many scenes left him crying and it was heartbreaking to see him cry. I love that the cast and crew made sure he was ok after scenes that left him emotional. He did an amazing job and I hope he continue's acting as he has a promising future ahead of him.

That's all guys I will upload a chapter as soon as I can.

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