Love, no matter what

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At lunch, he sat with his friends who were having a discussion about the Isle of The Lost.

- C'mon guys, you know we shouldn't talk about this. – Chad said, trying to eat his burger without making a mess of the plate.

- Chad's right. By the way, my mom is having some kind of party at the castle this afternoon, wanna come? She told me Olaf will be there to narrate the tales of our parents! – everyone bailed on him, they said that it was childish, they weren't five anymore, they were thirteen! Plus, they already knew all the tales by heart and had heard Olaf's narration three times too much.

- I'd love to come, Akio. If you want me there, of course. – Ben said. He was genuinely interested in Olaf's tales, since he never heard them. He was always busy with heir-to-the-throne stuff to spend time with his friends.

- Obviously I want you there Ben! Plus, who wouldn't want the future King of Auradon at their castle? –

So, Akio was Anna and Kristoff's youngest son. He had a big sister, Ashley, and a big brother, Keith. They were both seventeen and better than him in everything. Ashley was cheer captain at Auradon Prep, and she was also the best at ice-hockey; Keith was, of course, captain of the Auradon Knights, but he also won every year swimming competitions and was president of the drama club at the school. Everything they did, they did the best.

Akio was, on the contrary, not too keen on sports – even though he didn't suck at tourney – nor anything practical. He loved studying flowers and animal's species, he liked chemistry experiments and maybe that's why he was friends with Doug – Dopey's son, who didn't have that many friends –. Ben liked him, he was chill and gentle and he matched his energy.

Okay maybe Olaf's tales weren't the best way to narrate their parents' adventures - - a little dramatic, if he were to describe it - - but Akio's family was very much welcoming. They hadn't treated him differently just because he was the Prince.

- I am so sorry for the mess, I promised Mom I would've tidied my room yesterday, but I forgot. – Akio apologized. What mess he was talking about, Ben didn't know: his room was really cleaned, the bed perfectly made and - - oh, maybe the boy was talking about that broken vase on the floor, and the dirty aquarium, and the botanical books scattered on the desk.

- I don't mind, really. My room is a mess, too, when Mrs. Potts doesn't come to sweep and I forget to put back in the library all my books. Don't worry. – the boy smiled at Ben and told him to sit on the bed, if he wanted. – You have a really nice room. I like all your flowers. Oh, what's that fish called? – Ben asked.

- That's Nemo Jr. – Akio answered proudly.

Ben smirked: - I meant the species, actually. –

- Oh, so sorry. It's a Betta Fish. They come in a lot of different colors, you know? They can be red, yellow, but also black or blue and green together, but they can also have combined colors. Nemo Jr is kinda peaceful, that's why I can keep him with the others. – The boy was beyond excited to share information about his fishes. Ben could see the spark in his eyes when he talked about that.

- That is so cool! You know a lot of thing about fishes uh? But, wasn't Nemo a clownfish? – he asked.

- Yeah, I didn't name him after the clownfish, tho. I liked the name and named his father like that, so now he's the Junior. –

- Okay, got it. To be honest, I don't get why the others don't wanna hear about this, it's literally so interesting! I read much, but not much about animals or flowers. – the Prince then glimpsed a PlayStation. – It's that the new PS? – he asked.

- It is. – answered Akio with a smile on his face. – Wanna play? I've got Mario Kart. Bet I can beat you. – Ben accepted.

- I keep asking my Mom to buy me the latest PS but she says that she doesn't want me spending too much time on it and, if I bring straight A's she will get it on Christmas. – Ben commented while Akio was turning it on.

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