And Abdallah knew that too. Sure, he feels bad but does he regret it? No. Not one bit. He would do it all over again for the girl if he has too. "I know. But I don't regret it"

Jannah hummed, turning her head in his direction slowly. Flickering her eyes open, her eyes met his. "Is it because you two have a past?" She's only guessing. She did notice the way the two looked at each other, or at least, the way Nahla looked at him. There's no way you can tell her there's no history there.

"Do you think of her as a friend?"


"Jay, don't take her as a friend, okay?" He knew what he's saying, and he felt the need to let her know since she's treating the girl like a friend. "Nahla is a good person, but she wouldn't hesitate to turn her back on you if you get in her way"

Jannah's lips stretched into a small smile, her expression calm. "That wasn't what I asked you" Why was he avoiding her question? It's a yes, or no, situation.

He sighed, but nodded. "Yes, she and I have history but that ended long ago" And that was the truth. He and Nahla had something before she decided to leave him for a man she thought is better than him-who turns out to be Sadiq but that's okay. Perhaps, if he had known she would end up marrying Sadiq, who has too many red flags following him everywhere he goes, then he would've fought for her to the very end.

"I guess you regret letting her go" Jannah said, snapping him out of his trance. She saw the way his brows drew in slightly to her words, so she pointed at something. "Your expression was that of sadness, or is it longing?" She shrugged, not really knowing which one it is. "So, do you?"

Weirdly enough, he loved how the girl is able to read him without much thoughts. If it was anyone else, he wouldn't even give them the chance to get this close to him to even talk about stuff like this. But it's Jannah. He wouldn't mind baring out all his imperfections and insecurities to her. So, he released a loud breath as he looked away. "Yes, I do regret letting her go. But there's nothing I can do now"

"Well, she did say she is divorced now so..."

That's the thing. If it was the same Abdallah from before, then he would go back to her running with his belongings-ready to offer her everything on a gold platter. But he wasn't the same person anymore. "I do wish she finds happiness but..." He turned to look at the girl that is attentively listening to him, "...that won't be me anymore"

"And why is that?"

"I've found myself another person to live for" He stated without any hesitation-his eyes boring into hers. "I have someone else in mind, and this time around, I wouldn't make the same mistake the last time"

As if in a trance, Jannah found herself asking. "You giving up?"

He nodded. "Yes, I'll fight to the very end. I'll wouldn't give up or let her go like that"

Jannah parted her lips to say something, but she couldn't bring herself to utter anything. So, she opened her mouth, and closed it again like a gaping fish. She then blinked, her mind screaming at her to tear her gaze from him but she couldn't find the tiniest bit of strength to do that.

"Firdaus" He called out softly.

Her eyes widened slightly. She doesn't think she has ever heard him call her name-not ever. It was always either Jannah or Jay. "Hmm?"

He swallowed thickly, unable to keep himself from asking. "Do you still want to marry that man?" That was the reason he came to the hospital to begin with. He found out the man is Sadiq's father and he couldn't wrap his head around it.

Jannah's mood dampened. For that moment, she had forgotten about her marriage with that man because Abdallah has consumed her mind entirely without much effort. Blinking, she looked away. "Yes"

Sincerely, Aishatu✅Where stories live. Discover now