Chapter .10

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Settle Grace Memorial Hospital

"Addison," Derek's sighed, watching his ex-wife empty out of the back of an ambulance along with an old-time friend and her brother, Archer.

The brother that absolutely hated his guts.

Richard stood beside Derek greeting Addison, taking her into his arms, "Don't worry, we will take care of him."

The redhead's face was puffy from all the crying along with watery mascara down each cheek. She looked exactly like the day Derek caught her sleeping with Mark.

That memory sat in the back of Derek's head looking at Addison, getting a blast from the past.

An unwanted blast.

"We've got an I.C.U. bed all ready for him, Addison."

On the other side of the hospital sat Melody, Alex, and Izzie with colored paper, glue, and glitter.

The three sat on Melody's bed creating cards for the interns because the appendix situation wasn't enough to scare Izzie away. For some reason she's been feelings hurdles of emotions towards the interns, Melody could guess why while Alex had no clue.

"Why the hell are we doing this?" Alex questioned, standing up from the bed and placing his red card on the table.

Izzie sighed snatching the glue from the table and started drawing a star on the blue card stock with it, "The interns are broken." She exclaimed dramatically, "They've been punished for taking out their appendixes, and it's making them hate medicine. They're lost right now and they've forgotten that this thing they hate is actually a thing they love, so I'm gonna remind them." She ended her lecture with a smile as she dumped a pile of glitter on the glue.

Alex looked over Melody with a what the hell is wrong with her look. Melody shrugged as the guilt of knowing Izzie's biggest secret ate her up inside. Her light brown eyes adverted back to her card, not being able to look Alex in the eye.

"Is this about Denny? Is this some kind of dead-boyfriend art therapy where you drag Melody along with you?" Alex fixed his light blue scrubs as he crossed his arms.

Izzie rolled her eyes, "This is not about Denny, it's about the interns."

Alex shrugged, "Who cares about the interns? They're a bunch of losers."

"They're not! They're not, they're just..." Izzie's voice trailed off thinking, "They need to have a little fun, and so do I. Where are the damn scissors?" Her voice rose, slamming her hands on the table causing it to shake with her sudden mood change.

Melody and Alex look at each other with concern as their eyes went to the scissors right in front of her face.

"They're right in front of you," Alex stated in a warning tone.

"Right." She breathed grabbing them and cutting the edges of the card.

"Iz." Melody sang out placing her glitter on the table, frowning. The side effects of the tumor are already so obvious, that it's almost painful for her to watch.

"Give me the bowl please." Izzie ignored Melody as she instructed Alex. The two shared a glance before Alex reluctantly walked over to the other side of the room and grabbed a bowl full of cards that the three have made so far, "See?" Izzie held up her card with a glitter star, "It's gonna be great."

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