Ha. This spoilt rich brat is not used to hearing no from someone. I just want to break his boundless ego into infinite pieces.

" Yes, that's right. I'm not giving you anything." I sneer back at him.

" I'm sorry to blow your great ego but you can't fool me with your fake mask of nobility. "

" I don't know how many people you have sl**ghtered, how many lives you have ruined. This should come to an end. "

I pant as I burst at him, my heart pounding so hard it almost deafens my ears.


There's a cemetery-like silence as Kyng stares at me vacant unhallowed eyes, his expression eerily indecipherable.

That's...dangerous. Petrifying actually.

" What makes you think you can defy me?" His voice is calm. Way too calm.

And I had always hated this kind of calmness, hated to be alert all the time waiting for his next strike.

" The attitude of yours..." Kyng whispers with brooding rancour that makes my past, my fear rush back in my head.

" For a f***ing peasant like you, this kind of attitude doesn't suit you, Miss Perez. The sooner you lose it, the better you walk in one piece."

My whole body quivers at the threat in his words. He is not normal. Hell, I never thought he ever was and he will never be.

" Don't forget who owns you and this estate, Rosaline. You are no special like rest. When I say sit, you sit. When I say give the damn phone, you give. No middle ground. Understood?"

My heartbeat escalates, a pressure building up in my veins as his words strike deep into me.

He's narcissistic, egoistic maniac. He was raised like he was above all. That's the tragic thing about him.

Kyng always exuded an unapproachable vibes, like he was spun in gold with almighty aura and we rest commoners weren't worthy of him.

Even now he doesn't hesitate to belittle someone. I wish I could hurt him the way he is hurting me.

" Now give it. " He inches more closer invading my personal space, I press my hand on his granite like chest in horror.

What is wrong with him!? Does he get this close to every girl?

Come to think of previous years with him, he had treated rest of the girls gently.

Except. For. Me.

Kyng always had his ways with me. I didn't know what but something in me pissed him more than anyone.

I was less than a human to him. To him, I was a piece of meat who's unworthy of using earth's precious oxygen.

" Give me the phone when I'm asking you nicely. " Kyng extends his hand and I squirm to maintain a space between us.

Nicely? This son of a....

" You are in Mafia aren't you sir? " My voice trembled as I struggle to hold his penetrating gaze. My heart pounds at a frightening speed.

" The photos....I saw it. You killed the person in the photos, didn't you!" I yell at him, a heavy feeling perching on my chest.

How much of a monster can he be?

His expression is neutral but there's a threat lurking in his emotionless demeanor.

" Hmm...Just because I kill doesn't mean I'm in the mafia, Miss Rosaline." He speaks in his unperturbed tone.

I don't know if I should be relieved he is not into something dangerous as Mafia or I should be petrified that he just admitted he killed the person in the photo.

The Bully Turned Boss Where stories live. Discover now