"You cant handle that"

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Tw: blood
Age: 15
Relationship: ?

You where again, coming home from school exhausted. You flop onto your bed falling asleep almost directly. You wake up at around 1 a clock in the middle of the night.

You again missed dinner and hobbled your way down stairs to find something to eat. Even tho you felt nauseous you stil knew you needed food in your system.

You made yourself a sandwich and sat down at the little bar attached to the kitchen with you sandwich and a glass of water. You ate your sandwich and made your way to the gym to start your evening.

Ever since your random waves of exhaustion, you have the same day every day, you go to school, come home at around 3. Sleep and wake up at around 1. You eat dinner, workout. Make homework and try to sleep again.

So there you where, you where throwing knives, and watched how every one hit the bullseye.

"What are you doing up?" You hear a voice come from behind your, making you jump and drop the knife landing right in your foot, ouch.

"AHHH" you scream falling down.
The vague shadow now came closer and you notice it is Natasha that was talking to you. She ran towards you.

"Dammit y/n" she says with a tone of worry while she's checking your foot.

"JARVIS, wake up Bruce and sent him to the gym" she says.

"You had to do that huh?" She asks jokingly but you where not your for Jokes, to be honest you aren't really yourself you haven't been feeling really happy for a long time.

Bruce walks in with small eyes
"What Happened?" He asks
"She dropped the knife" nat says
"Alight im going to pick you up alright?" You nod and Bruce lifts you up bridal style. He puts you down on one of the medic beds.

"Alright this is going to hurt alright?" He says, Natasha grabs your hand, and you look at her confused.

"Just squeeze my hand okay" she says
You nod.

"Alight, 3, 2-" he rips out the knife.
But instead of screaming or crying, you don't do anything. To be more clear, You pass out.

"Bruce what the hell?!"
"Relax, she just passed out from the pain, it's really common. Especially for young children like her"
"You go to sleep, il stay with her" nat says
"Alright, call me when something is happening"

Around 5 a clock in the morning nat hears whimpers.
"Goodmorning" nat says
"What the-"
"You passed out, but you'll live" she says
"Wait how late is it?"
"Around 5, why"
"Shit! M-my homework no no my whole schedule is ruined" you say stressing. You want to walk to your room but immediately drop to the floor.

"Wow, hey kid slow down. Your okay"
She says trying to show you her soft side.

She lifts you up to the bed again.
"What where you doing up at that time anyway?"
You shrug

"Y/n" she says stern
"It's just that- school gets exhausting, and by the time I get home my head is hurting terribly and I have no energy. My head gets so bad that the only thing I can do is sleep. And then I miss dinner so I eat when I wake up, and after I just train and do homework to make up for the time i slept."

"But- that- wait. School shouldn't hurt your body that much."
"It's not my body Natasha, it is my mental state"
"Oh- wel- what is bugging you? Is someone bullying your or what-?"
"N-no. It's just that- I-"
"This is about your passed isn't it? You haven't told anyone did you?"
You shake your head
"Natasha, you have to promise not to tell anyone"
"Yeah of course"
"I-I'm im like you" you whisper
"I'm a widow" you again say hesitated
"And since I never really had social skill thought or anything like that, I-it- all the people just get overwhelming. I get overstimulated" you say
"Y-y-yeah. I I can imagine" she stutters
"Are you okay?" You ask concerned
"I just don't get how you survive highschool after such a trauma"
"I-i hardly do" you say
"Tony makes me go, I don't have a choice"
"Il talk to him, you- you can't handle that. I can see that when I look in your eyes. Your exhausted" she says
You look down.

Nat goes to walk to walk out
"T-thank you"
"Of course y/n, if you ever need to talk I'm here for you alright?"
You smile at her and she walks out your room.

You end up skipping this year of school, and you've been focusing on yourself more..

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