I'm A Badass Until I'm Around My Boyfriend

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I'm A Badass Until I'm Around My Boyfriend (ao3)

By, girlslovemycurls

Summary: Louis is a little lovable shit who smarts off to everyone and no one can do anything about it. Well except Harry of course.

5532 words


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Louis Tomlinson has always been a little shit to everyone he has ever encountered. He just honestly can not help his smart ass mouth, which is completely ironic seeing as he is a 5'7 curvy cutie, but that's besides the point. Ever since he was a little kid, he smarted off to anyone he's ever met, and this usually ended up with him getting in trouble one way or another. He honestly just had a thing where he loved to push people's buttons no matter how much trouble he could get in.

From his mum yelling at him to "just take out the damn trash and stop trying to put your sister on the side of the road" to countless relationships failing because his partner just couldn't keep up with his sassiness, Louis couldn't just stop. Which he really didn't give two fucks about people breaking up with him because he would never want to date someone who can't deal with his attitude. If you asked anyone, they would admit that his spunky personality was one of the best parts about him. As much as everyone liked to joke around with how annoying Louis is and how he needed to calm the fuck down, they all love him to death just the way he is.

But for people who hardly knew Louis, this was a different story. They found him strangely intimidating as if he ran the world, which is quite ironic seeing how he is tinier and daintier than almost the entire population. He just sort of radiated this essence where people knew he didn't take shit, and Louis didn't have a problem with this reputation. Everyone knew him as the funny, loud, bubbly guy who if you got on his bad side, he would make you cry in 2.8 seconds flat. Louis was perfectly happy with this reputation. I mean, who wouldn't be?

It's a completely different story when it comes to his boyfriend Harry, though. You see, Harry has this ability to make Louis just shut up and stop talking with just one simple look. But it hadn't always been like that. In fact, Harry actually had to go through a series of events to get Louis as wrapped around his little finger as he had him.

Generally speaking, Harry was an all around ray of sunshine towards Louis and treated him exactly how he needed to be treated. When he cuddled him, he wrapped his whole body around Louis and made sure his feet were warm and he was sleeping properly. He stayed up until unreasonable times, reassuring Louis that he was absolutely perfect because as confident as Louis seemed, he did fall down sometimes. But other times, Harry needed to do other things that Louis needed to get him to calm down.

The first time this happened is when they were out in public eating lunch with their friends. Louis and Harry were sitting next to each other of course, and Louis was being his normal loud self, and entertaining the whole table. At one point the conversation turned to Harry's hands, and Louis just absolutely loved to tease Harry about his freakishly huge hands. Everyone at the table was in stitches from laughing so hard, including Harry himself. So Harry didn't take it personally because he knew for a fact just how much Louis really loved his large hands, but he did need to set Louis in his place. So like a gentleman, he asked Louis politely to stop the first time just to see if he would, but Louis didn't oblige. Therefore, Harry decided he just had to do something so Louis would know what happens when he doesn't follow his requests.

After a while, Louis puts down Harry's hands because everyone had gotten their food and they were starving, and the joke began to wear off. Now Harry was still thinking of ways to get back at Louis, when finally he got it. It was under his nose all along and he just simply didn't think about it.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 29, 2015 ⏰

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