He's Cheer Captain

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He's Cheer Captain (ao3)

By, sweetums


Harry's the school's new football coach and finds a cheerleader blowing one of his players in the locker room way after school is over.

Words: 2117


Work Text:

Harry's in his office, scanning through some of his students' profiles. Being a new football coach and starting at the beginning of the school year, he needs to make sure he has a reasonable amount of knowledge on what the kids here are capable of. He's only a week in and he's observed a few P.E classes and one football practice consisting of players picked from last year. He's holding try outs early tomorrow morning from which he then has to cut a new list for this year, though from what he's seen, it won't be too devastating as the current players aren't half bad. He wouldn't be kicking half the team off so for that part, he's a little glad.

Leaning back in his chair, he rubs a hand on the lines in his forehead. God, it was late. He glanced at the clock on the pale wall and winced. He's definitely the last one in the building. Still, he has a few more files to skim through- he'll stay for 20 more minutes. But after reading roughly 25 of the same sort of information, Harry finds his mind drifting and effectively, losing interest. His mind is wandering to thoughts on his new work place. After only a week, he's sussed out that it wasn't all that bad for a secondary school. In fact, it's really good, if not, slightly weird. Students and teachers here are quite friendly towards eachother and he gets a feeling that the set up here doesn't follow a typical school. For one, most pupils seemed to be bisexual and completely comfortable with it. There are 5 boys on the cheerleading squad and they're the 5 most popular boys in the entire school. A lot stranger than any school he's ever been to... As the thoughts whirl in his mind, he's snapped out of it by a loud moan being carried to him down the hallway to his office. Harry frowns. This is far too late a time for there to be anybody else here, he was sure he was alone. Curious to see what's going on and concerned in case something was wrong, he makes his way to where the sound seemed to have come from.

Down the hall, there isn't much apart from the boys' locker room. Harry's stumped as to what on earth anyone would be doing in the locker room this late but he's even more stumped when he opens it expecting to see anything other than a student on his knees, blowing another. He's literally lost for words. He can just about make out the boy on the floor to be one of the cheerleaders and the boy standing to be one of the better players from the football team, Zayn, he thinks. The cheerleader is facing the door while Zayn's body is positioned so he's looking at the wall opposite. Not that he's doing much looking, his eyes are closed and he's spluttering a lot of coherent noises as the other boy works on his length. Speaking of which, the boy has zeroed in on Harry watching the scene and instead of jumping up to defend himself to a member of staff, he locks eyes with Harry and deepthroats Zayn. Harry's mouth falls wide open in shock when he slurps and makes a show of sucking cock. A show clearly meant for Harry's benefit. Before long, he's smiling straight at the coach with a mouthful of cock before pulling off to lap greedily at his head. Harry can't help but make a sound, low at the back his throat. Zayn's eyes fly open, finally acknowledging an intruder and quickly pulls away to pull up his trousers and stammer in front of Harry.

Louis is still on the floor, licking traces of pre-come off his thin lips.

"What is going on here?"

Harry manages to grasp back some sense of control. He's practically a teacher, damn it.


Zayn's face has gone an embarrassing shade of red and he's looking like he wants to crawl away into a deep cave.

"You shouldn't be in school at this hour, let alone be doing what you were. I'm assuming you're thinking of going to try outs tomorrow?"

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