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Chapter Twenty One

Max smiled as he placed the last of the ersatz diamond pins in her hair, trying to be cautious not to prick her with them. Jenny grinned as she looked up at him and her smile could not falter as he knelt down on one knee and took her hands in his. Without anything to say, he leant forward and kissed Jenny tenderly on the lips.

"Are you sure about this?" he asked. Jenny turned over her shoulder to look herself over in the mirror, trying to reassure herself that no one would think otherwise.

"Yes, Vicky has been there for us all through the last two months." She sighed.

Max chuckled and quickly took his place behind her pushing her chair towards the large door, waiting to enter the large isle. Her palms felt sweaty and her heart accelerated as she clutched on tightly to the armrests.

"Here we go." Max whispered. The doors opened and they made their way towards the open archway to the altar. Her throat knotted and her breathing hitched as everyone turned to stare in her direction. Jenny felt regret sink deeply into her as every pair of eyes took her in. For a moment, she looked down to her lap, determined to ignore them until she took her place across from Max. When they reached the front, she exhaled trying to relax her fisted hands and instead concentrated her gaze towards Max. He smiled brightly at her and Jenny failed understand just how lucky she had gotten. Two wonderful months had gone by and every day was heaven by his side. She loved that he had a great appetite; she loved his smile, the way he strode into the living room wearing nothing but a pair of jeans. It melted her heart to know that every night after she dozed off to sleep he would hold her against him never letting go until he had to wake once again.

Max had been heaven sent and she would be a complete idiot to not try day by day to force herself to recuperate. Secretly Jenny and Vicky had claimed to have a girls day, but it was every Saturday that Jenny made her way into physical therapy, trying to revive her dead spine. Results had begun to show and since Max had been in her life for good she did what she could to keep hope that one day, she would be able to stand.

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered her today, to join Victoria and Alexander in holy matrimony." The priest began to speak. Jenny felt shame overshadow her as she noticed that the ceremony had begun, and turned her attention to where Vicky and Alex stood. They gazed at one another with a love Jenny now understood. Her heart swelled to see them so happy and recalled just how hard it had taken Alex to get where he was now. She wished them well, along with the sweet little bundle of joy soon to come. Her eyes casted to Victoria's round belly and Jenny felt her heart lurch. They would be welcoming a sweet baby girl soon, one that would change their lives forever. Just as she thought how wonderful that lovely empire dress made her look Vicky suddenly reached down to her lower stomach and clutched it as a small painful grunt escaped her.

"What's wrong?" Alex asked, alert.

"My water broke!" She gasped out in laughter. Vicky's face quickly changed into pain as she bent forward again and took hold of Alex's coat.

"Max." Alex quickly said. The crowd of about two hundred guests gasped, and photographer began to take pictures all the more.

Max sprang from his position, darting down the aisle and through the large church doors, taking his position as best man right into action.

"No...I'm not getting in that car, until we get married." Vicky protested.

Jenny frowned, feeling absolutely awful that she could not reach over and do her job as maid of honor.

"Take deep breaths." Jenny encouraged.

Vicky did as she was told and took a lung full of air before letting it out only to give out a painful moan.

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