5~Faith in the storm

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Grace couldn't stop shaking.

She forced herself to put one foot in front of the other, careful not to let Leo see her distress. His presence was both soothing and electrifying. Grace was aware of him like she'd never felt with another person. She heard the steady fall of his boots on the earth, saw his tall, muscular body weave through the path, and felt the warmth of his skin when they'd accidentally touch.

Her chest tightened. Leo believed someone had shot at them. Fear rose up like a tidal wave, but Grace hung on to the truth of the gospel. God was with them even in times of trouble.

...though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.

The verse was from Psalms. She believed it with all her heart, and yet Grace couldn't help but wonder what would happen to Sarah if she didn't come home. Leaving her for a few days had been hard enough. Her aunt had assured her it was fine. Sarah would go to the church support group and call her sponsor if she needed it.

"Hey, you good?"

Leo's deep voice broke her thoughts, and she glanced over at him wishing she didn't notice his stiff, pained movements. "I'm fine. I can rub something on your back. I-I mean when we get to where we're going or someone else can do her."

He chuckled, igniting a low hum in her chest. "You can rub whatever you want on me any time, angel."

Grace's stomach dropped. "Are you flirting with me?"

He tossed a look over his shoulder. "I hadn't thought about it, but yeah, I guess I am." His brows pulled together. "Should I apologize?"

"No, but I didn't mean anything by the comment. I only meant to help."

"I know." With a deep sigh, he gripped the back of his neck. "I'm sorry."

She felt him watching her but wouldn't look at him. "I said it wasn't necessary."

"I know." His tone was flat. "I don't want you to be afraid of me."

Her chin lifted. "That's the second time you've said that. Why would I be afraid of you?"

This time he threw a puzzled look. "My reputation. We do go to school together."

Grace felt her cheeks heat, and she nodded. "Right. Your reputation with girls."

Leo's lips parted but before he could comment the path opened and something caught his attention. "The bus is here."

She glanced up and saw Janessa waving at them. "They're back!" she called, running up and throwing her slender arms around Leo.

Grace winced at Janessa's arms on his injured back, but she noticed that Leo never even flinched despite the pain he must be enduring. Janessa's gaze moved from Leo to Grace. "Everything peachy here?"

Leo's jaw tightened as the others walked up. "Someone fired shots into the cabin."

Mark's arm hooked around Grace's shoulders and she managed to give him a reassuring smile. Feeling Leo's gaze on them, she looked over and saw something flash in his eyes, but there was no time to analyze what it was.

Questions flew at them, but it was Mr. Archer Leo focused on. "Are either of you hurt?"

"No," Leo answered at the same time Grace said, "Leo's hurt."

Archer stepped up and examined the faint smatters of blood on Leo's white t-shirt. "Hmm, just a little blood. You'll live. Smear something on that before we go."

Why Mr. Archer's dry order made her smile, she couldn't say. It was just somehow funny. Leo lifted his chin, a smile on his lips as if to say I told you so.

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