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As someone who struggled with forgiveness but eventually learnt to even though I'm not perfect, I really wanted her to be free from grudges and leave a peaceable and victorious life. Just like Jesus did for us, taking away the punishment for our sins and forgiving us, I wanted her to lean on that grace and forgive. I mean what could be worse than forgiving those who killed you. But God raised Him back to life as He did us too with Christ. So now we have the power by His Holy Spirit in us, to forgive. Since we also ourselves have been forgiven.

Crystal's phone sounded a notification of an incoming message as soon as we got into Cece's room She immediately glanced at it and groaned.

"I'm sorry guys." She said when we stared at her, startled. "It's just this board and their endless suggestions. They decided to move the soccer match slated this evening to Valentine's day."

"That's Monday." I commented, sprawled out on Cece's bed. I had heard the announcement in school inviting all students to the Valentine's soccer match which was to hold this evening. My friends and I never planned to attend anyway. But I guess there's no backing out on Monday since it's a school day.

"Great." Cecilia deadpanned.

"I somewhat wish Lucas was still a soccer player. Now we are going to cheer... who? Definitely not Caleb. Even though I somehow know he's going to get a goal. " Crystal rolled her eyes. I laughed.

"Well Brandon, James and Jackson are on the team as well."

"I don't exactly fancy them. In fact, anyone on the soccer team. Or rather, anyone who chooses to serve Caleb plus the soccer team." I somewhat knew she referred to Ethan. Unconsciously I glanced at Cecilia to see her lips pursed. When was she going to open up about her feelings?


"I'm so hungry!" Lucas whined as we approached a restaurant. My friends and I, that is, including the guys, had had so much fun today. We had visited a park and had had fun with literally everything available. I was reminded so much of my childhood. Mum often took us to parks back at Boise. It felt good to be "young" again. The "weight" of adulthood that seemed to be gradually creeping in was something new and needed a lot of getting used to.

"Seriously Lucas, I shared my Doritos with you minutes ago." Shayne scoffed.

"And that somehow is food?" Lucas responded with incredulity. I laughed but paused as soon as I sighted a familiar Lamborghini.

"Uh. Who invited Caleb and co?" I narrowed my eyes.

"No one did." Crystal shrugged. "They just happened to be at the restaurant we had planned to have our dinner."

"Wow. So convincing." I said, still narrowing my eyes. From her response, I knew she was aware they'd be around. "Drew told you, right?"

"Well, maybe he wanted to buy some time to practice with you and maybe we also planned to meet up after-"


"Sorry!" Crystal laughed. "I'm sorry okay. But you know Andrew." Yeah, right.

"I know you Crystal. No one exactly forces you." I said.

"The things we do for love." Shayne mumbled.

"Oh seriously!" Crystal glared at the back of his head while the rest of us laughed. Somehow, it wasn't exactly a secret that Crystal and Drew had mutual feelings for each other. Only, no one knew where they were both headed.

"Whatever is the case," I started as we walked into the restaurant. A soft ding notified our presence. "I am so not doing anything music with Drew tonight. He can't be serious!"

The Bullies' Slave 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن