ch. 08

105 3 0

Five POV

I walked up to my room dragging the floating eight with me. I sat her down my bed, which was surprisingly clean...grace probably cleans it, while i went up to open my closet. I sighed only seeing 2 types of clothes. The navy blue uniform and the pajamas.

"Shit" i whispered but loud enough for eight to hear me as she replied.

"I know right?"

She was leaning on the wall at the corner.

"Do you have something to tell me? Because you told me to go with you. Why?............... To watch you change?" You could clearly tell she was genuinely asking because she was confused. I smiled.

"I miss you, y/n." I hugged her again. She hugged back.

I miss the feeling of a hug...especially her hug.

"I miss you too"....."so much"

i kissed her forehead making her giggle. She tiptoed suddenly, then she put her hand around my head making me look a bit down, then she kissed my forehead.

I swear to god i could kiss her right now.

After our little moment she told me she's going to wait for me downstairs so i could change.

After a few minutes--
I went back down to see a painting of me over the mantlepiece. I was staring at the painting when i noticed Vanya was behind me.

"Nice to know Dad didn't forget me." I began the conversation.

"Read your book, by the way.Found it in a library that was still standing. I thought it was pretty good, all things considered.Yeah, definitely ballsy, giving up the family secrets. Sure that went over well." I continued.

"They hate me.. except for y/n..she doesnt know about the book." She replied

" If eight ever does read your book or even find out about it...she won't hate you. And there are worse things that can happen."

"You mean like what happened to Ben?"she asked

"Was it bad?"

She nodded.

I felt a bit of sadness because ben and i were a bit close. I felt bad for only feeling a little upset as he was my brother. Sadly,it's hard for me to feel those certain emotions anymore.....grief and used to feeling those emotions knowing that i once saw the dead bodies of my siblings and spent most of my life alone in that shithole, i gradually became immune to the feeling.



We were now all outside, everyone, except diego and luther, was carrying an umbrella due to the rain. Honestly speaking, luther and diego just wanna act tough. But anyways, I was between five and klaus. Klaus was the only one with a clear umbrella that has this pink rim. We all had black.

"Did something happen?" Mom suddenly asked

"Dad died. Remember?" Allison replied to her, quite confused.

"Oh. Yes, of course." She replied back

"Is Mom okay?" Allison turned to diego and asked him.

"Yeah, yeah, she's fine.She just needs to rest.You know, recharge." Diego answered.

"Whenever you're ready, dear boy." Pogo said to luther, the one holding reggie's ashes.
Luther nodded then opened the lid if the urn and poured dad's ashes to the ground. It made this cute super little pyramid.

I squinted my eyes at klaus and he snickered. It made me smile, almost laugh, because i now know why the fuck reggie's ashes were that little in amount.

We're Screwed   - Five X Reader حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن