Shimmering ※

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My back arched and I grabbed onto Jinx's neck, which she lowered with a small chukle. Her knee moved under me so she was supporting me, but at the same time holding me in place firmly. I screamed, or yelled, whatever it was, aware that my voice sounded nothing like I usually did. I wasn't really sure where it was even coming from at this point. Something leaked from where her fingers touched, and I shivered as the heat rapidly shrinked, flooding out of me. I panted, still shaking uncontrollably.

"Hmm, you're still...conscious, I think? Good job, sugar."

I opened my eyes, and she swept me up in her arms and sat me on her thighs sideways. I let my head rest against her collar bones, still not really recovering from whatever it was that had just happened.

"I have to admit, I was pretty sure you'd faint the first time, what with you being so...pure and all. But you didn't! I'm impressed." She rubbed her cheek against my forehead gently, and I couldn't help but snuggle against her a little more. Her arms tightened around me and she buried her face into the crook of my neck. "God..." She muttered, and I tried to look at her. Suddenly she put her face back right in front of me, and I gasped and squirmed as she ran her fingers along the outside of my upper thigh. Her other hand, wrapped around my waist didn't let me escape her hold.

"Or...maybe I just went a little too easy on you." She whispered while staring into my eyes directly, and her digets trailed around to feel the inside of my thighs.

"Jinx...!" I whimpered as she started tracing circles, repeatedly making her way up and down. That tensed feeling resumed, and somehow I missed the feeling of her fingers doing...what she had been doing a second ago.

"Baby, You know you're not really making it any easier for me to stop by looking at me like that, right?"

I was barely able to mumble a response as I fumbled with my words, which were getting increasingly fuzzy as I craved for her touch. It was like she was torturing me by deftly avoiding all the parts I really wanted her to get to, selectively stimulating me so I would want more. I looked at her longingly.

"Jinx..." I muttered, and she flashed me a toothy smile. "Yeah Sugar?" She said, panting lightly. Her blue locks fell onto face, covering one eye. I stared at her, at her slightly ruffled hair and cheeks that were tinted red. Her slanted eyes were so soft that for a moment it was like I had forgotten how to breathe. "Something wrong?" She said, smiling fondly and tilting her head to the side with a laugh.

"I...just..." I trailed off, gripping onto the edge of her top. She made a little sound like a chocked sigh, before letting go of my thigh and removing my hand. "Baby, don't do that..." She soothed, and I grasped her hand. "Don't stop," I blurted out, suddenly feeling empty without the feeling of her on me. She froze for a second, before seemingly melting down onto me as she put me back down on my back. I tried to grab her hand as it left my waist, and stared up at her figure which was limped over my own.

"Are you sure?" She said, and I nodded. She grinned again and planted a kiss on my head, before reaching for my shirt. She rolled it up carefully, and I suddenly felt my consciousness rise up a little as it felt like she had exposed me even more somehow.

"Uh, Jinx..." I said, while she tossed her leg over me so she was completely on top. "Are you scared?" She anwered, placing both her hands next to my head with outstretched arms, studying me. Her braids swirled around us.

"It's alright. I'll teach you everything. I'll give you everything." She went on quietly while she slipped a hand under my under wear, and I flinched as her cold hand wrapped around my left breast. Her index finger pet the tip and my back jumped once again. She went on tapping, and my breathing hitched in sync with her movements. "Ah, Jinx---" I started, and then she squeezed the part. I struggled against her only to get held down by her other hand.

"We're gonna speed this up." She told me, and I wasn't sure if I'd ever seen her smile so heatedly before.

Hollow (Jinx x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now