How did the car just go through her like she wasn't even there?

Vanessa searched the fog behind her, looking for any sign of brake lights. The car really just hit her and kept driving? She searched her body, looking for any sign of damage, or any sign of her not being human anymore. She started with her fingers, putting them out in front of her and watching as she wiggled each one of them. They moved like perfectly normal fingers. Then she looked at her toes and saw that they did the exact same. Her hands and feet were fine, but she'd have to look in a mirror to see the rest of her body.

In the distance, two yellow lights glowed again, doing the same as the first set. Vanessa shook her head, desperate to get out of the middle of the road, but her feet were frozen, and she couldn't run away.

"Help!" Vanessa screamed out, searching for anything that would pull her away from the speeding car.

She couldn't see it coming other than the lights, but she knew it was coming fast and if she didn't move, she would be in for a world of hurt.

"Help! Anyone, please help me!" Vanessa screamed until she had no voice left to scream. Tears were pouring down her face, soaking the few dark pieces of hair that had fallen out of her low bun.

There was no use to screaming though, because no one was around to help Vanessa.

Vanessa tried to take a step forward, to no avail. The lights were rapidly getting closer and if she didn't do anything she'd be hit again.

The lights grew so bright, much like the last ones, and right as the car was about to hit her they disappeared again. The same gust of wind blew her dress behind her, sending shivers against her bare skin.

"What's happening to me?" Vanessa cried out, her voice hoarse from her sobs.

Another set of lights grew in the distance.

Was Vanessa stuck in an endless loop?

She pulled at her feet, and begged them to break free, a dull ache filled her body. Finally after what seemed like hours she was able to get her right foot free, planting it on the other side of the white line. Her foot was comforted by warmth as soon as it crossed the line, much different than the stark cold air on this side.

Vanessa struggled as hard as she could, finally ripping her foot free from the asphalt as the third car came whizzing past her. She fell towards the other side of the road, catching a glimpse of the driver before she hit the ground.

It was Talon.

Vanessa's throat went dry, her mind unraveled at the sight of the boy from the coffee shop once more. She shook her head. This had to be a dream.

Vanessa hit the ground with a thud, feeling the warmth of the sun shining down on her skin. She turned to look at the sky, laying in the middle of the road like she didn't have a care in the world.

"What the hell?" She muttered to herself. The clouds drifted across the sky. A light breeze danced across her skin. This seemed like a whole different world, one that was filled with happiness and pure joy.

Vanessa pushed herself up on her elbows and took in the new world around her. Rolling grass hills were spotted with daisies. Small little white flowers that sent chills down Vanessa's spine.

She stood up, brushing her dress off, inspecting the blue material for any damage. The edges were still burnt, but Vanessa couldn't remember what from.

Birds chirped in the distance, bringing a sense of peace to Vanessa. She took a few steps down the road, avoiding the white lines as best as she could.

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