At least, that's what I tell myself.

We walk over, and his hand drops from my back, sliding into the front pocket of his jeans.

Nobody notices our entrance, because they're all arguing about who was the better pilot: Han Solo or Lando Calrissian.

Even after hours, our minds were still on the sky in some sort of way. I nod and laugh when I'm supposed to, but I'm not one bit interested in the conversation, so instead my mind wanders to the man standing directly to my left.

I didn't know how I could like someone who got on my nerves so much. Hangman would act caring one day, and the next, cocky and somewhat cruel. I didn't love it, it gave me more whiplash than it was worth.

Don't crush on your classmates, I repeated.

Eventually, I found a small table in the back and Phoenix joined me, and we talked until a song came on.


It was Payback.

"Yeah?" She asked perplexed.

"Would you like to dance?" She looked behind me, and then at Payback.

Three words came out of her mouth that I never thought I would hear.

"I'd love to."

My eyes went wild as Phoenix got swished away. I'm going to kill you, I mouthed to her as she went to the busy dance floor, which had been cleared from tables and seats.

No you won't. She said and spun around.

I groaned and tries not to look miserable being alone. I slipped off my leather jacket, it was getting hot in here.

But then Jake slid into her seat without missing a beat.

Jake hunched over and put his beer on the table. His heavy gaze looked at my face, dipped down, and then came right back up. "For once you look soft, Zoe."

I was dressed up, and I was wearing more makeup than I was used to. I did look pretty that night, and nothing was going to change that opinion.

I scowled. "Say that again and I'll show you how fast I can judo flip you."

"Self defense? Is there anything you can't do?" Hangman asked sarcastically.

"I've done 12 years of it. My dad made me do it." I answered honestly and ignored his second question.

He looks thoughtful as he contemplates my words. "Sounds intense. Seems like he—"

I don't want to talk about him right now.

"Can we not talk about my dad right now? It seems like that's all anyone wants to talk about with me." I laugh nervously.

"So Phoenix and Payback, huh?" Jake asks, trying to make the moment less award.

I let out a laugh, and I try to cover my mouth with my hand. "We're horrible at small talk."

"I know, but we cant just stop there. Just look at them." He gestures before taking another sip.

I follow his eyes to the dance floor, and Phoenix has a bright smile on her face as she talks to Payback, swaying to the beat of the song.

"Okay fine, fine. I give up," I offer, " I don't think Tasha likes him, she's just having fun tonight. Besides, we only have a month left here." I add a little softly.

Jake's eyes widen, "Only that long?"

"Yep. I'm excited." I reply. I am ready to graduate, but that doesn't mean I'll miss this place. Besides, I shouldn't get attached to places or people like this.


"Yeah. I can't wait to sleep in." I joke.

Hangman laughs and closes his eyes, and I can't help but watching him out of the corner of my eye. "Same. but it'll be kinda weird leaving and going back to where we're stationed."

I sat a little straighter in my seat. Maybe ai didn't know Jake as well as I thought I did. "Where are you stationed right now?"

"Florida. What about you?"

"That's cool. I don't know, my assignment just ended, but I just got back from Sweden."

"Wait, you part of the international pilot program with the EU?"

"Yes I was. It was fun to train with pilots from other countries." I said.

The slow song ended, and a more upbeat one came on. Jake took one last swig of his beer before he grabbed my hand. Suddenly knowing where this was going, I blanched.

"Do you wanna dance?"

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