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After the father and daughter had talked, Christine had convinced him that they could argue about it when she wasn't on vacation, because she was trying to enjoy herself. A few days passed, the week flying by and the two teens having a pretty decent time in Denver. Christines father had showed them around like he had promised, but once work called he was gone most of the time for the rest of the week, leaving Steve and Christine to figure out what they wanted to do. They had seen the sights,  driven through some mountains, enjoyed their time together, and finally Friday had come. They were to leave at noon on Saturday, Phil getting antsy at the fact that he was going to have to say goodbye to his daughter again.

Christine Wheeler was getting dressed in her room, the room that was opposite to Steve's in the hallway. She looked at herself in the mirror as she pulled her pants up, the girl buttoning the jeans and then letting out a breath. She was also getting a bit antsy about leaving, but only because she had had such a good time away from hellish Hawkins with Steve that she wasn't ready to re-enter the fold.

Steve crossed the hall, opening the door without a knock, his eyes widening as he looked at the girl who was in only pants and a bra. He looked her over for a second, leaning against the door frame for only a moment before her head turned to him quickly, the girl immediately shouting at him.

"Jesus Christ!" Steve yelled, pulling the door closed and shaking his head. He scrambled to find words, the first ones popping into his head and flying out of his mouth. "There's a lock! Lock the door. You're-"

"Shut up. Move out of my way." Christine ripped the door open,  her cheeks a bright red. Steve almost laughed at how red she was, the boy dropping his hands to his hips and watching her walk off down the hallway. He followed after her a few moments later, his lips tipped upwards into an embarrassed smile as he joined her in the kitchen. She was putting cream cheese on a bagel, her hair falling over her shoulder and shielding her eyes.

"Cream cheese?" She asked, letting out a sigh and looking over at Steve.  He chuckled the tiniest bit, nodding his head as she pulled another bagel from the toaster. A few moments later she handed him the bagel, her eyes dull and irritated as he began to eat.

"So what's the plan for today?" He asked right before he bit into the bagel, his chewing making her lip curl up in disgust. She turned away from him, leaning against the counter and staring out the window above the sink, the girl lifting the bagel to her mouth as she thought about it.

"We're going on a hike."

"A hike?"

"Later today, so we can watch the sun set over the city. The neighbor told me it was one of the best things she's ever seen. She told me it actually is the sight that made her believe in God again, whatever that means. I don't's supposed to be beautiful. You up for it?" Christine asked, her head turning to look at Steve, he had his eyebrows furrowed, the boy chewing his bagel and then swallowing and shrugging.

"I guess so. I don't know if it'll get me back in church but it sounds nice." Steve shrugged again at the end of his sentence and then took another bite of his bagel. Christine nodded, watching him with a curled lip as he devoured the rest of his breakfast. Finally  he gave her a satisfied look, Christine sipping her coffee and smiling at him.

"What are you thinking about?" Steve threw out, not really thinking much of what he was saying but still wanting to hear the answer. He stood from the table with his plate as Christine pondered his question, the girl scooting to the side so that he could put his dish in the sink.

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