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Christine Wheeler was 4 cups into the 'Devil Juice', or the red punch that had been branded so when she had asked what it was. She had arrived after Billy had, because the second she walked in the door she was able to identify his blonde locks from across the living room. However she felt the need to get some drinks in her before she tried to talk to anybody considering she was very far from having friends here. She searched the crowded house initially when she had gotten there, looking for Nancy and Steve but had no luck, and eventually settled on nursing the Devil Juice until she couldn't walk anymore.

She was leaned against the wall, drinking out of her red cup with an almost smile on her face. She was already pretty gone, her thought centering around the blonde she had seen when she had come in. She figured she was ready to start walking around.

Christine pushed herself off the wall, her cup in hand as she made her way outside to the backyard where the keg was. There were people doing the keg stand, the girl spotting Billy standing off to the side of the keg, watching with challenging eyes at whoever was trying to do it. He spotted the girl though, his eyebrows raising as he looked at her costume and then back up at her with a slight smirk.

"Well look who showed up. Wasn't sure if I'd see you here." Billy said, giving the girl a raised eyebrow. He had a good bit of interest in her, mostly because he had gotten a taste of her, and all he wanted was the finish the job. So he was pretty thrilled to see her here, giving him another chance at getting what he wanted.

"Well I saw you earlier but I figured I'd need a few drinks before I could actually talk to you." Christine said, giving him an awkward smile as she realized she probably shouldn't have said that. However he didn't seem to find it as awkward as her, the man letting out a short laugh before looking down and speaking.

"So I make you that nervous, huh?" He said, looking back up and making her stomach stir. He was good. She let out a short chuckle as a guy tapped him on the shoulder, telling him it was his turn on the keg.  He got up there pretty quickly, everyone starting to count as he did it, Christine cheering as everyone at the party was giving him attention. He dropped from the keg , beer spewing out of his mouth as he roared and everyone else followed.

"We got ourselves a new Keg King!"  A guy yelled, everyone cheering  as Billy took a drag of  a cigarette.

"That's how you do it Hawkins!" The crowd started to chant his name, the man outstretching his arm in a way that said 'look at me' and then giving Christine a very heated look.  They cheered him on as he walked towards the entrance, his hand going to grasp the girls wrist as he decided he 100% was getting some  from her tonight.  He put the cigarette to Christines lips, the girl taking a drag as he pulled her by the waist to his side.

Once they got inside it was like a direct shot to where they were headed, the guy from earlier rejoining Billy as Christine caught sight of who exactly they were headed towards.

"We got ourselves a new Keg King, Harrington." Steve and Nancy were standing near a wall, Steve in a suit coat and a pair of sunglasses and Nancy in a white shirt. Nancy's eyes immediately went to Christine who was being held to Billy's side, her eyes slightly narrowing as Steve took in the sight of the whole crew telling him to eat it.  He also ran his eyes over Christine, his eyebrows furrowing as he went back to staring Billy down.

Christine took this opportunity to sneak away, wanting to get another cup of her alcoholic beverage.  Nancy followed close behind her, both of them stopping at the bowl as Nancy spoke.

"What's in this?"

"Pure fuel! Pure fuel! Whoo!" The guy who answered yelled, Christine letting out a laugh as she grabbed a cup and filled it . The  guy walked away as Christine handed Nancy a red cup, her eyebrows raising as she spoke.

"Vodka." She said, watching as Nancy nodded and began to gulp it down. "Oh hell yeah!"

"Whoa whoa Nancy slow down. Nance take it easy! Nance...Nance!"  Steve said, putting his hand between her mouth and the cup. He gave Christine a disapproving look before Nancy spoke.

"We're just being stupid teenagers for the night. Wasn't that the deal?"  Nancy said to him, dropping her cup into the bowl again and chugging it. She wiped her face before walking off into the crowd, Steve watching her as she went, his face falling as she disappeared.

"I think you're in trouble Steve." Christine remarked,  getting the mans attention.

"Aren't you supposed to be with you're boyfriend? The new Keg King?"  Steve said sarcastically, his lips turning up into a  smug grin as he spoke.  Christine let out a fake chuckle, shaking her head as she replied.

"First off, that Keg King shit was kind of embarrassing. Second, he's not my boyfriend."  She said, sipping at her drink. Steve crossed his arms before shaking his head and looking down.

"Not your boyfriend? Those hickeys beg to differ Chris." Steve said, pointing at the marks on her neck. She rolled her eyes, shaking her head at the nickname and then looking him over.

"What are you dressed as? An accountant with glasses?"

"Tom Cruise in Risky Business. And you're...Han Solo?" He looked her over again, looking at the long sleeve shirt she was wearing, the sleeves pushed up to her  elbows. The three buttons at the top were undone, the brown vest she was wearing complimenting the look.  She was wearing some pretty low cut pants, a sliver of her skin showing between the hem of the shirt and the waistband of her pants, and her dark hair was resting over her shoulders.  She was surprised he had gotten it, nobody had the entire night.

"Mm." She said, putting her cup down on the countertop and reaching into the waistband of her pants.  She pulled a fake Star Wars blaster from there, pointing it at Steve and then making a blaster noise.

"Isn't Han Solo a little too nerdy for you? I didn't even expect you to have seen Star Wars."  Steve said, grabbing the blaster out of her hand and pointing it back at her.

"Steve I barely know you. Which means you barely know me." She said, grabbing the blaster from his hand. He then seemed to notice how drunk she was, his grip on the gun not loosening as she tried to pull it. Their chests bumped as she did this, the girl looking up at him as she used her other hand to detach his, a smile on her lips as she spoke. "I love Star Wars."

Steve took a step back from how close they were, shaking his head at the fact that he had never met a girl who had seen Star Wars and enjoyed it enough to wear it as a costume. He didn't have much more time before she grabbed his arm, pulling him into the crowd and towards where Nancy was standing. Christine let him go, patting him on the back before disappearing from the two of them, trying to find Billy.

FAMILIAR ↳ STEVE HARRINGTONDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora