bonus chapter pt 1.

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Christine Wheeler stood in her bedroom, the girl combing through her curls as she looked at herself in her mirror. She had finally finished her makeup and was almost done with her hair, the only thing left after her hair was the dress. She was fussing over herself in hopes that her nerves would disappear, but the more she tried to focus on other things the more the pit in her stomach grew.

Finally she was content with her hair, the girl letting out a sigh as she turned form where she was standing. She walked over to her bed, looking down at the dress on it and smiling. She was excited for the prom. She was less excited for who was taking her. Steve had asked her and she had accepted, but things were still rather uneasy between them. They hung out all the time, but he was walking on eggshells around her, and she was trying to push her feelings away.

Christine pulled on her deliciously blue dress, the color deep and beautiful. As a true film lover she had found that the only inspiration she had wanted for a dress was from the movie Carrie. So when the time came to pick one, her Aunt Karen helped her search for a silky dress. When they had found one they only had blue, but Christine thought it was perfect.

She pulled her robe off, the girl lifting the dress and holding it to her body for a moment. She was quick to step into the dress, pulling the straps over her shoulders and walking towards the mirror. The back was waiting to be zipped, but the second she saw the dress on her she felt her stomach stir. She looked amazing, and it was the first time in awhile that she truly felt beautiful.

"You need help?" A voice called from the entrance to the room, Christine looking in the mirror to see who has opened her door. Nancy was standing in the doorway, the girl wearing her own prom dress, her makeup and hair done neatly. She had an endearing and awestruck look in her eyes as she looking at her cousin, noticing how beautiful Christine looked.

"Please." Christine said, the girl moving her hair away from the zipper in the back. Nancy nodded, a smile on her lips as she entered the room. She walked over, her heels digging into the carpet as she pressed a hand to Christines back. She pulled the zipper up, noticing how nervous her older cousin looked and furrowing her eyebrows.

"You alright?" Nancy asked, and Christine was quick to nod. "You look nervous."

"I just...didn't go to prom last year. Nervous."

"So you and Steve are going together?" Nancy asked, and Christines face fell again. Nancy noticed this but chose not to comment, instead waiting patiently for her answer.

"Yeah and I hope he got the right color tie. And I hope his hair doesn't look stupid, I mean we have to take picture together and we're always going to-"

"So are you nervous because of prom or because of Steve?" Nancy asked, looking down at the zipper. She had suspected that things were going on between them for a long time, but she didn't really want to pry. Nancy met Christine eyes in the mirror and the answer became clear, the younger girl furrowing her eyebrows and nodding as she felt her stomach slightly drop.

"Is it okay? You know...that we're going together?" Christine asked, turning around and looking at Nancy seriously. She wanted some sort of closure, something to make them both feel better. Nancy swallowed and then spoke, Christine listening intently to her.

"Uh—yeah—yes. I'm—well...I'm happy for you." Nancy said, and now it was Christine's turn to speak again.

"It's not what you think. We're not together. We're not going to be together. He's...he's healing." Christine revealed, and Nancy felt a lick of guilt at that. Christine didn't mean to make her feel bad, it was her own mind that had flooded her with guilt.

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