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A/n: Image on top/side is Lisa.

>>Calum's pov<<

After I told Ashton my condition he nodded. Suddenly the door burst open revealing Lisa Elmwood.

"Mrs. Carson, Michael, Luke, and Richie got in a fight again. We need help." She panted.

"Mr. Irwin, would you like to see the boys Calum has told you about?" Mrs. Carson said.
"Of course." He replied.

With that, all four of us made our way to the courtyard to see Michael trying to pull Richie off of Luke who was pinned to the ground.

"Mr. Hood, Ms. Elmwood, would please go help Mr. Clifford, he seems to be having a bit of trouble." Mrs. Carson ordered. We nodded and rushed over to help Michael. After sever tries, we finally got Richie off of Luke. Luke started panting and gasping for breath.

"You okay Luke?" Michael asked as he helped him up.

Luke nodded. They turned to us and as usual, they both had bruises and cuts. Nothing new.

"Well Mr. Irwin, these are the delinquents Mr. Hood calls friends." Mrs. Carson snarled.

Ashton looked them over and smiled.

"Yes Mrs. Carson, we are the delinquents that Mr. Hood calls friends." Michael said sarcastically.

I face palmed and shook my head.

"These two don't seem anything like you described them. Maybe a little accident prone but I think that can be worked around." Ashton said.

"Wait what's happening?" Michael asked.

"Mrs. Carson, I'll take all three." Ashton continued.


"Suit yourself. Delinquents and Calum go pack your things. You're being adopted."

I smiled to Ashton and grabbed Luke and Michael's wrists and pulled them to our room.

"Wait so this isn't some joke or something? We're actually being adopted?" Michael asked as we packed our few belongings.

"Yep." I said cheerfully.

Finally, a place to call home.

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