Cat & dog (Kitty + Cerise)

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Cerise Hood POV

Once upon a time... ugh. Don't you ever get tired of that opening? I'm not a fan of openings at all, really. I wish they'd just cut to the action immidiently. I mean, that's where all the cool stuff happens! Like with this story. I was out in the woods, running. Nothing compares to the smell of trees growing and birds singing. It's where I feel truly at peace, and one out of very few places where I can let my hood down, and truly be me. I could never do anything like that at Ever After High. My entire existance is riddled with secrets. Well, it's more like one secret. But it's a big one!

In the middle of my running I see a tiny white shape appear before me, a couple of feet away. I stop running and end up standing right in front of the floating white crescent.  To my dissappointment, not more than a second later, Kitty Chesire appears. I quickly pulled the hood over my head, praying she didn't notice.

"Cerise Hood? In the middle of the forest? Careful,  you might run into the wolf!" She said, pretending to be shocked, before going back to her classic grin. 

"Look what the cat dragged in... get out of the way Kitty, I don't have time for your games" I sighed, desperately wanting this conversation to be over. 

"Oh, but I'm not here for games, I'm here to confirm a theory" she continued, and started slowly walking in a circle, around me, with that same infuriating smile on her face. I maintained eye contact with her like we were playing cat and mouse, waiting for the next person to strike.

"Dangerous game, don't you think? Curiousity killed the cat" I spit back. I was fuming inside, and what made it worse was that look in Kitty's eye. She was not a tiny bit threatened, as if she were untouchable. 

"It's far more dangerous for you, Red" she stated, and stopped moving after we'd walked in a full circle, and were back to facing the original direction. She opened her mouth again, crossed her arms, and with a satisfied tone uttered "A wolf should never wear sheep's clothing".

The words froze time. My mouth gaped, my pupils narrowed, and it felt like my world shattered. How could she know? I hid it so well. No one outside my family knew, and my entire life I was always told that no one else could. That we would take our secret to the grave. That we could never tell anyone, and, and  then she just knows, just like that??

"Oh, come on! Did you really think I wouldnt't figure it out?" She says. Her carelessness hit me like an arrow to the heart. "I'm part-cat! I know a dog when I see it!"

"You can't tell anyone" I told her, stone-cold.

"Maybe I will, maybe I won't" she said teasingly, relishing the power she had.

"No, seriously, you can't" I continued. I had to make sure she wouldn't reveal it, that wasn't an option for me.

"Fine, but you owe me" she smirked. 

I grabbed her by the shoulders and stared straight into her eyes. "You can't ever tell anyone" I ordered her, and finally her smile was wiped away from her face. I felt a tear against the side of my face "Please". My voice weakened and now I was truly vulnerable. 

She was still and speachless, looking at my trembling body. Suddenly she threw herself at me and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me into a hug. I felt a teardrop hit my skin and hugged her back. I heard her quivering voice whisper in my ear "I'm sorry, Cerise". Then I felt her body dissappear from my arms, and realized she teleported away. Alone in the forest, I fell to my knees and said to myself "This isn't a fairy tail with some 'happily ever after', this is real. And no one else can ever know my secret, or my family will be torn apart"

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