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"No time to waste" Eddie jammed the keys into ignition and slammed his foot onto the pedals.

The car zoomed off. Clumps of gravel spitting out from under the tires. Dirt and mud was scattered everywhere.

We didn't say a word as we got onto the road. The only thing to listen for was our shaky breaths.

I fished out the walkie-talkie from my lap and started to press on the buttons.

Eddie took brief glances at the device.

I clicked on the side and brought the walkie-talkie up to my mouth. "Dustin?" I called.

"Dustin are you there? Please answer" I clicked off and the only thing heard was static.

"Dustin please!" I cried out. "We are in trouble, please! please! please pick up!" I held on tighter to the walkie-talkie.

"I know it's late, but I need you right now." My leg started to shake and I held it with my remaining hand.

I clicked off again, waiting for my brothers voice. I worriedly looked at Eddie, who didn't have a clue of what to do.

"Dustin?" I rubbed my eyes.

The walkie-talkie suddenly buzzed the static faded away into nothing.

"What?" I tapped at the buttons and smacked the sides.

"No no no no no.." I clung on to the walkie-talkie. It had died. I tried everything I could to power it back on but nothing was working.

I gave the walkie-talkie one last look and set it down next to my lap.

"God damnit!" I screamed and slammed my fists onto the side of the car. I flung myself back onto the seat. Brushing out the hairs in my face, I felt miserable.

"Y/n. We just have to get to somewhere safe. We can figure it out there." Eddie looks over to me.

I bet he didn't expect the stream of tears pouring down my face. He kept quiet but reached over and took my hand. His hand was trembling but to be fair so was mine.

I couldn't control myself anymore, I had to let it out. I sobbed for a good amount of time to where ever we were driving. Tears fell down my face, dripping off of my chin. God, I had never seen something so awful like that.

I tried to squeeze my eyelids shut in hope to stop the flowing tears. But the wave of grief just hit me even harder. With every blink, tears came streaming down like water flowing down a river. They landed on my lips, and left a salty taste on my tongue.

I couldn't help but let out small whimpers. My breath staggering, it was like I couldn't finish a deep breath. It kept restarting over and over again. The street ahead of me blurred and my vision seemed to be smeared with my tears. I wiped them away with my hands and buried my face into my palms.

As I started to calm down. I was just left with sniffles. I took a deep breath and finally looked at Eddie. I had been avoiding eye contact with him. Mostly because I was hiding in my hands.

He looked drowsy, and tired. He tapped his finger on the wheel. His rings made a clinking sound.

"Where are we going?" I asked. Eddie's eyes shot open and he looked at me.

"Jeez your voice scared the shit out of me" I raised one eyebrow.

"It's just, the only thing i've been hearing is.. you know... your crying." He shrugged, his voice cracking on every word.

"Sorry about that" I wiped my nose with my sleeve. Snot had started to pour down my nostrils.

"Don't apologize." Eddie's stern voice surprised me. I took a deep sniff, my nose was killing me.

𝐀 𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐄 - Eddie Munson x Y/n HendersonKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat