Crossroads Deal - Dean Winchester

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"So glad to know I'm second on your list," he rolls his eyes playfully.

"Actually you're third," she kids a slight smile still on her lips.

He pretends to look at her offended while holding a hand over his heart. "You wound me. You'd really call Sam before me?"

"He argues less." She smirks.

"You wait until you're around him 24/7," he says as he cleans up the left over medical supplies. "But seriously, you'll call us if you need us, right?"

Y/N nods her head yes. "But it would be best if you never saw me again. I don't want you to get attached."

At first Dean was thinking she was joking but he was wrong because that's exactly what happened. After they first met, they came across each two more times within a month before deciding to stick together. But it wasn't just Dean who became attached to the former solo hunter. Sam had fallen in love with her too but in a completely different way to his older brother. To the younger Winchester, Y/N became the sister he never had. They argued like siblings, made up like siblings, teased each other and protected each other just like siblings. Both brothers took it hard when they learned her big secret. Dean, of course, taking it the hardest.

Sam left the room a few minutes ago to let Dean and Y/N talk. It hurt him to know what was happening but he knew it was hurting Dean more.

"Were you ever going to tell us?" Dean questions her, leaning against kitchen wall as she sat at the table of Bobby's home.

Bobby accidentally let slip about how her time being up was coming up way to quickly for his liking 3 months into her working with the Winchesters.

Within the 4 months of having known the Winchester brother's she's grown incredibly close to them. She's grown to love the both of them.

Sam became a younger brother to her. She never had siblings, being an only child. It was nice for her to know what it's like to have a sibling.

But Dean is different. So, so, so much different. They're like magnets to each other, always pulling each other in. Neither of them had felt the way they do with anyone else. And as much as she wanted to keep their distance from him, she always found herself close to him, whether she was comforting him after a nightmare, letting him talk when he needs someone to talk to, getting ready for the next hunt or helping him with Baby. They two were never far apart and always close together. Neither of them would admit it, but there were falling in love and everyone could see it.

She nods knowing whatever she says wouldn't make up for not telling them-him sooner. "I didn't know how."

"'I made a deal with a demon and I only have less than a year to live' would be a pretty good start," he glares at her, the hurt and heartbreak evident in his voice and his green eyes. "What do you think will happen? That you'll be gone in 7 months and we'll just forget you exist? That's not gonna happen!"

"I didn't want you to get attached," she says going back to the words she spoke when they first met.

"It's too late," He sighs. "I'm attached, sweetheart and it's not just me."

It's quiet for a few moments, both of them trying to gather their thoughts while trying to hold back their tears and emotions.

"We're going to get you out of this." Dean spoke up, breaking the heavy silence. "We'll figure something out. We always do. It's what we do. I've done it before, I can do it again. And if not we can find a way to pull you out."

Supernatural One Shots and ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora