heroes vs villains

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Heather: *free-falling* I hate Chriiiis!

Chris: Loveable lamebrain, Lindsay!

Lindsay: *free-falling, flapping her arms* I'm flying! *stops flapping and screams*

Chris: Super fan, Sierra! Total Drama's number one blogger!

Sierra: *with her hair slightly growing back* For Cody!

she cannonballs, sending the other contestants scattering, and causing a slightly less massive splash

Chris: Feral freakshow, Ezekiel!

Chef drops a feral Ezekiel by his hoodie

everyone: What?

a feral Ezekiel plummets, but is then grabbed by the robots plunger

Chris: *laughing* Kidding!

the robot retracts the plunger

Chris: No way is that guy coming back again

snaps his fingers, causing the robot to fire off the plunger, as a feral Ezekiel screams as he is rocketed to the other side of the island

Chris: Man, It's great to be back


Chris: greetings old friends

Heather throws up a starfish

Heather: I am NOT your friend

Lindsay: aw, somebody misses her honey bunny

Heather: who? Alejandro? as if! I'm glad he isn't back that handsome jerk

Courtney: you're going to pay for my dry cleaning

Chris: No, i'm not new contracts, member? in fact, we've got a lot of big changes this season. For one, the island is now 100% toxic waste free!

Sam: what? I only came back to get up close and personal with some toxic goop so I can become a kick butt mutant like my gal Dakota

Chris: gee too bad guess it's gonna be all pain no game for you, huh? on the upside. I've upgraded your accommodations! this season, the losers still have to sleep in a stanky old cabin. But the winners get to stay in the all new, eco friendly Mclean brand spa hotel,complete with butlers, hot tub and 24 hour masseuse

(y/n): alright!

Chris: and in honor of your all stars status, i'm dividing you into teams based on your past performances. Heroes vs villains! Heather, Duncan, Lightning, Jo, Scott and Gwen, from now on, you're the Villainous Vultures

Lightning: Sha-team!

Gwen: What?! Why am I on the villains team?

Courtney: Because you stole my boyfriend and became to the new Heather

Chris: Yeah, what she said

Gwen: But I've done so many good things. I'm not a villain. I'm nice

Duncan: Being bad is cool and now we're on the same team, so that's good right?

Gwen: I guess

Chris: Mike, Zoey, Cameron, (y/n), Sam, Courtney, Lindsay, and Sierra, you're the Heroic Hamsters!

Courtney: Excuse me, how are hamsters heroic?

Chris: It was that, or the "Heroic Hippos."

Courtney: Hamsters it is

total drama all stars x male readerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora