"Oh my Gods," I heard Kate sigh. 

I didn't bother to open my eyes, my head was killing me. The last thing I remembered... 

"Where's Drew?" I mumbled. 

"You're awake?" Kate put a hand on my forehead. 

I groaned and sat up. The room was different, it definitely wasn't mine.

"And where are we?" 

Kate smiled and looked at me, "We're in Drew's apartment, kind of weird, right?" 

I ran a hand through my hair and looked around. The walls were an odd beige, and there were large closet doors in front of the bed. Two nightstands on each side of the bed... 

"This is Drew's room?" I asked, eyeing the empty walls and spotless floor.  

"Yeah, I questioned it too. Like does he not know he can put posters up?" Kate got up from her chair and helped me up. 

We made our way to the kitchen, and I wasn't going to lie to myself anymore. There was no way this was Drew's apartment. It was nicer than I imagined - I felt oddly judgemental. 

Drew was in front of the stove, making what smelled like and hopefully was breakfast. 

"Hey, could someone get plates out?" He asked, turning around and setting his skillet on an oven mitt. 

Kate got up and started opening cabinets - there were an unusual amount for a kitchen, but she eventually found them. 

"So what happened last night?" I asked, eyeing the bacon that Drew was putting on everyone's plate. 

"Well, Dain got his ass kicked, you passed out, Drew had a minor run-in with the police - it was a party really," Kate rambled on while arranging her bacon and eggs into a smiley face. 

I grinned at her before I realized she said something about the police. 

"The cops?" I looked up at Drew. 

He looked up at me and smirked. He had more bruises, but at this point, that wasn't new. 

"Yeah, we got away though," he said it - just like it was another Friday. 

Then I realized the other issue - it was Friday and we weren't in school. 

"I should really get home, my dad is going to kill me," I started to get up, but Kate and Drew stopped me. 

"We took care of it," they said at the same time. 

I looked at them with amazement,  "How?" 

They smirked, and blood began to ooze out of their mouths. I gasped, and looked down at my food - the eggs had become moldy and the bacon was covered in clumps of what looked like skin... 

I looked back up to them - both of their mouths spewing blood this time. 

Before I could scream, I woke up with a jolt. 

I was on a couch and Drew was on the floor next to me. He must have heard me wake up because he rolled over and smiled lightly. 

"Something wrong?" His voice was gravelly. 

"I just had a really weird dream," I whispered. 

I looked around. 

"We're at my place, Kate had to go home though." Drew sat up. 

"My dad's gonna be mad." I rubbed my face. 

"Kate said she called him or something on your phone and talked to him - " 

"What? Really that's - " 

"She just said you two were having a girl's night at her house, and you'll be at school tomorrow and everything, so don't freak out." 

There's no way he was fine with that. 

Drew continued, "Try not to stress, he was on speaker and he sounded fine." 

I narrowed my eyes. "If only you knew my dad." 

"I'm not doubting that he's an asshole, I'm just saying if he ends up mad at you, just let me know." He winked. 

I rolled my eyes and snickered, "Yeah, you already kick everyone's ass enough and now you have to go after parents too?" 

He just smiled and shook his head. I could tell maybe I had hit a nerve, but I wasn't going to worry about it as much this time. 

"What time is it anyway?" I asked. 

"Like two, in the morning," Drew stood and stretched. 

His hair fell behind him as he looked up, and I watched his arms outstretch. Every fiber, every muscle tensing, I stared at the veins running down his forearms. His joints popped and he let out a groan. As he looked down at me, I looked away. 

"So, what happened?" I asked, sitting up. 

"Nothing, just threats." Drew walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. 

I was in awe. The way things seemed when I passed out - was not a "just threats" situation. I had been surprised by less, but I was still curious. 

"Really?" I stood and stretched. 

"Yes, really. Want some orange juice?" Drew looked back at me, and his gaze lingered a bit. 

His hair stuck up from all angles, messy and unbrushed - but that wasn't unusual - it was wet. 

"Uh yeah," I cleared my throat and hoped he wouldn't comment on my staring. 

He didn't, he just silently got a glass out for me. I watched as he carefully filled it, and then took a few gulps out of the jug. 

"Did you just shower or something?" I was curious. He handed me the glass and chuckled. 

"What are you writing a book?" 

I scoffed and took a sip. "No, I was just asking." 

"Yeah, got out and didn't want you to wake up alone, so I just laid in here." He walked past me and the scent of bleach hit me like a brick wall. 

A lamp flicked on and I could finally see more of the room. The living room was very bare - couch, TV, coffee table, and one coat rack by the door - the kitchen was the same, only a microwave sat on the counter, with a small table nearby. 

"Still haven't set up for my MTV Cribs tour - sorry," Drew scoffed and plopped down on the couch. 

I took another drink and sat down, making sure to leave a decent space between us.

In a weird way, this all felt surreal. I had only met him a few weeks ago, and now here we were. He went from snappy at first, to completely on my side and taking up for me. It almost felt like he was starting to warm up to me. 

"If you wanna go home, I can take you?" Drew interrupted my thoughts. 

I shook my head. "No - I mean uh, I'd like to stay and hang out with you, if that's okay." 

A small smile rested on his face and he looked at me. A hint of mischief was in his eyes, I raised my eyebrow. 

"What?" I asked. 

"You're gonna wear the same clothes tomorrow?" 

I looked down at my jeans - spots of dirt on them, from my earlier surprise nap - and briefly decided that it wouldn't be so bad to go and get clothes. 

"You're right - you can just drop me off, it'll be fine -" 

"I mean, you can just get them and come back here?" 

His tone was incredulous - I felt like a dumbass. I didn't want to assume anything with him - the last thing I wanted was to bother him. 

Unnamed (Editing, Not finished)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz