"It's really hard for me to think about all this," I sighed and laid my head on the table. 

Drew sat next to me, almost unphased by the whole situation. We were about to leave to meet Dain - and only Drew knew what would happen next. We could all get in trouble if they fought - or worse if one of them had to go to the hospital - or even worse than that if the police somehow showed up. 

"I know, but you shouldn't worry, you are the one who wanted to come with." He shrugged. 

I looked up at him and narrowed my eyes, "Well I have stuff I need to say too." 

Exactly what I was going to say - I didn't know yet. I hadn't planned to confront anyone so far, so I was beyond speechless. 

I could start off by telling Dain that he was the worst person I knew, or that I didn't even know who he was anymore. I could mention how he hurt me, shamed me, and made me hate my body. He took away something that a lot of girls hold dear. He stole it. 

Or maybe I could mention how I would most likely never see sex the same. It was this vulgar horrifying thing that happened to me, not with me. 

Just thinking all those thoughts made me red in the face. Out of anger, not anything else - I was mad. I cared for him, I was willing to put up with all the bullshit and deal with his attitude - and he thought that taking advantage of me was the right payback? Who does that? 

What kind of sick, sadistic person... To record it too. 

"We could always get the police involved, right?" It was like a lightbulb in my head. 

"He has enough money to make them go away, you wouldn't stand a chance," Drew deadpanned. 

"Yeah but there's proof. The video, if we could get ahold of it then..." I stopped. 

This was like a desperate attempt to do things the right way. But things hadn't been done the right way for me... I was all the more accepting of Drew's plan, especially if what he said was right. Dain had enough money to get rid of everything. 

I witnessed it a lot of times, looking back on it I probably should've noticed that as a red flag. But at the time it was cool to watch him get away with stuff no one else could. The irony of my words could've slit my throat. 

"I got rid of every copy of it, there's no way to get it back." 

"So they couldn't do anything? At all?" 

"There wouldn't be much to go on for them, plus he uh..."

Drew shifted uncomfortably in his seat. 

"He did use protection, so you're not in any trouble like that. Just more evidence we don't have." 

I laid my head back down. I hadn't even thought of the possibility of being pregnant. But relief flooded over me. 

The doors of the library opened and Kate marched in. She looked different, meaning she was wearing all black and her pink hair was stuffed under a beanie. 

"Alright, let's get this party started," she was way too enthusiastic. 

Drew closed our books and we were on our way. 

I stood outside Dain's house. All I could think about was how ridiculous this was, we were in an "ultimate showdown" type situation. Drew and Kate were conversing about the best method of entrance and I just stared at the door. 

My nerves were being crushed. I didn't want to go back in. It was a nest of bad memories. 

Tears burned my cheeks and I was trying to take deep breaths - nothing was working. I was too close to freaking out. 

"It's okay if you don't want to go in." Drew let his hand rest on my lower back. 

"No I want to, I need to, I just didn't think it would be this soon." I wiped a tear off my cheek. 

"Justice does not wait." Kate was retying her combat boots for the third time since we parked. 

"Can I have a hug?" I wasn't asking anyone in particular, but both of them wrapped their arms around me. 

Drew smelled the same, bleach and cologne, but Kate smelled like flowers or some kind of candy? It was the oddest combination of smells ever. 

I just wanted things to be normal again. I wanted to forget everything that had happened with Dain. 

I melted into them for as long as they would let me. It felt nice. I finally felt like I wasn't completely alone, if that makes sense. 

Drew knocked on the front door, and Dain answered. My mind couldn't help but look back and see the way he opened the door for me with the same smirk. 

I kept my eyes on the ground. 

"Honestly I don't know why you guys are here, Ariella and I had a great time last night, isn't that right?" Dain was speaking to me. 

Drew stepped into the house, forcing Dain to walk backwards. 

It was then I noticed that a full-blown house party was going on, except everyone was outside in the backyard. 

"You're lucky I got rid of the video," Drew seethed. 

Dain was backed against the wall, Drew was in his face. 

I was beginning to feel lightheaded - then everything went black. 

Unnamed (Editing, Not finished)Where stories live. Discover now