32; Partners...again?!

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Aisha's brows drew in. From the way Taslim spoke of Aslam, she could tell the girl truly loves him, or loved him. Could she ever not love him though? Maybe not in the same light as before but Aisha knew a part of Taslim will forever love him. That kind of love is not just something you can get over.

But why did she call it off?

As if reading her mind, Taslim chuckled yet again-her amused expression returning. "Yeah I know; why did I call it off?" She winced slightly, though she didn't seem upset about the whole thing. If anything, she still has a grin on her face. "You know what I realized at the last minute, Aisha?"

Aisha silence was her answer. She didn't know what she realized, and there was no reason to voice it out.

"I remembered the first time I saw you, with him and our family. Aisha..." Taslim reached her hand out to hold Aisha's, enclosing it with her other hand. "...I have never, seen him look at anyone the way he looks at you" She admitted softly, her words coming out as nothing but a whisper. "I realized he will never look at me that way and I've accepted it. He wouldn't look at me in the way that shows he can scream to the whole world he adores you, and you alone"

Aisha could swear her heart skip a beat then. How could it not?

"Aslam is the kind of person who knows what he wants, and if he says he loves you, then he means it"

That's another thing. He never said he loved her so...

Taslim shook her head, her smile broadening into a small grin. "Actions speak louder than words, Aisha" There's something about the way Taslim pronounces her name. She doesn't say it the way everyone does. No, she says it with an accent that was impossible for Aisha to miss. And truth be told, she loved it. It's different, but the good type of different. "I'm sure by now you've realized he says what's on his mind with little hesitation, at least, when it comes to this type of things. But nonetheless, trust me, he adores you so much and I know I am in no place to tell you this, but don't let him go, please. Not everyone gets someone like that"

Aisha looked away. How can she stay mad at him when Taslim says stuff like that? She finds it funny that she refused to listen to him and Jannah-choosing to firmly remain furious but all it takes is a conversation with Taslim to change her perspective on him.

Who would've thought Taslim would be the one to help the AA ship sail?

"And if you're still worried about him confessing, don't worry. Knowing Ya Aslam, he can scream it to everyone even if it's in the ER..." She laughed, and Aisha couldn't help but join her.

But that is the truth. He can keep his serious man façade aside and scream it to anyone in the hospital, and beyond if he has to.

When their laughter died down, Taslim patted the back of Aisha's hand. "Now, promise me you won't stay mad at him. At least, not regarding this"

Aisha found herself smiling, genuinely this time. "I promise" She wasn't even thinking about it. Taslim single handedly erased all doubts she has regarding that.

Taslim grinned, her eyes gleaming. There was something about Taslim when she's happy. She's luminous-almost impossible to not stop and stare at in awe. "Oh and there's something else..." She let go of Aisha's hand and stood up, making her towards her table to pick up a picture she placed aside for Aisha. When she picked it up, she walked towards Aisha and handed it over. "...do you know her?" She asked, taking her earlier spot beside Aisha.

Aisha stared at the pictures, her brows drawing in. "Yes" She nodded, immediately recognizing the girl in the picture. "She's an intern here" It's the same girl Jannah claimed she didn't like simply because she wanted to be a wicked senior like the ones before her. Looking up, her lips tugged into a frown. "What...what is this?"

Sincerely, Aishatu✅Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora