Chapter 7 - You can do it

Start from the beginning

She gives me no answer, she seems to be in another dimension. I snap my fingers in front of her eyes, making her wake up.

- Wake up, Fran!

- Sorry! I was… - She says, batting her eyes.

- Thinking about Marco, we know, Francesca. - Cam completes and points at the guy.

- I am between two guys-

- Marco and Diego. - León suddenly joins the conversation.

- Does everybody know about my love life or what? - She protests, with an upset face.

- You’re always talking about it! - León and Cam say at the same time, high-fiving.

I laugh.

- I’m going. - She says, hurt.

- Fran, no! Wait! I wanna ask you something. - She stops and comes back to her normal way to be.

- What is it, Vilu?

- Actually is for you two. - I announce, looking at both. - Do you want to sleep over at my house?

They instantly shout in happiness, making everyone look at them.

- Girls, control yourselves. - I giggle.

- It’s just… we love sleepovers! - Camila says.

- We just have to ask our parents, ok? - Fran remembers.

- Sure. If we don’t see each other just confirm to me by text. I’ll send you the address and time.

- Okay!

Both of them walk away in joy, smiling and acting crazy. I think it was a great choice. I look at León, who is very down, I see from his face.

- I didn’t invite you because my dad told me to invite only girls and-

- It’s not that. - He smiles.

- Oh, ok. It’s the other thing.

He looks down as a response. My reply to that is a hug. I hug him and he embraces me too. I push my face to his chest where I can feel his sweet scent. I could stay like that forever.

- Thanks, Vilu. I was needing that.

- No problem. Want to see what I am going to perform?

- Yes!

He leads me to a music room. I go to the piano and start to play, under his attentive look. I occasionally stare at him and see that he likes my singing.

- Amazing. - He compliments me.

- Thank you. But… I am not sure of this.

- This what?

- I am not sure I am going to enter Studio. What if I go out of tune? Or if I don’t hit the note? I can also mistake a note! - I spill out.

- Yes, you can. But you won’t. Do you know why?

- Why?

He steps closer.

- Because you are awesome, this is your passion, this is where you are meant to be. There is no way you will fail. I trust you, I have no doubt you will enter Studio. You have absolutely no reason to doubt your capacities, ok?

Wow. No one had never showed so much trust in me. He really believes me, he thinks I can do it. I need to hug him. So I do.

- You’re welcome. - He says, while we are hugging.

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