Danger Zone [19: Arcade]

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First date nerves never hit Marinette. She'd been on a grand total of two dates (whoop-dee-doo!) and both just seemed to happen; no fear, no stress and no nervous tummy.

The first one was at the tender age of 14, which included her forgetting about the date, having to leave said date and calling the guy the wrong name – twice. She hadn't got the time to be nervous back then...well maybe a little when they'd almost kissed.

Her second first date, when she was 18 and lonely, was a date she hadn't even realised she was on. Alya and Nino had her tag along with their friend Liam from Scotland. Her English wasn't terrible, but she really struggled to understand what he was saying when he went into the slang and his own dialect. The fact he kept referring to her as 'braw', ended up with her running to the toilets and googling it midway through the 'date'. Apparently it meant pretty, although considering he avoided her at every possible social gathering since that day, his words hadn't done much for her confidence.

Thinking back, it was probably out of line that she repetitively brought up Adrien in conversation. She couldn't help it that she was still crushing on the guy four years later, and to make it worse, they were closer than ever, only increasing her feelings ten fold. It seemed when you were only texting and calling someone, not seeing them daily, your relationship could become more secure. Who knew?

But right now it wasn't about Adrien. It was about the fact she was pacing her living room floor in a blonde wig, with hazel contact lenses and a newly designed top and jeans waiting for her husband to come and collect her for their first official date. God, this was so backwards.

She was undeniably nervous to the point she felt sick. She needed to remember though, this was just a date with her husband. Her husband who she had a rather complicated history with and who she wanted to date. She had told him she wanted this, and for that reason she needed to get herself together.

Over the past two years she'd begun to crush hard on Chat Noir imagining their little rendezvous as dates, not that she'd tell him that; but still in her head she was being wined and dined by Chat Noir. She was living in a fantasy which now had become a reality, and she was freaking out!

Even though, in previous years, he'd still flirted with her and she'd still denied him, they had grown increasingly closer. Closer than ever. So being married to him wasn't actually that hard to imagine. The fact he was yet to spend a night in their marital home was helping too...and the fact they hadn't kissed yet. Well, they hadn't had a kiss they could both remember (Dark Cupid not counting).

She knew what had happened the night of their wedding; both kwamis happily gave them far too many graphic details, but nothing like that had happened since. Not that she would have denied him. She was more than willing to lip lock with her stunningly gorgeous husband.

The telltale buzz of a portal opening pulled Ladybug's attention to the kitchen where her 'Étalon Noir' stepped out the portal, hands ladened with an over the top bouquet of flowers; red roses, of course.

"Hey Bugaboo." Stepping forward, he presented her with the bouquet of bright red, thornless roses before kissing her on the cheek.

"What have I told you about that nickname?" she laughed, taking the bouquet from him and responding with a kiss of her own.

"That you love it and want me to use it all the time?" He smiled sarcastically at her, a look of innocence only the devil could get away with.

"How about it's the most annoying one you use, and I don't like it?" His face dropped, and she stepped forward kissing his opposite cheek. "But I like these." She indicated the flowers, "and I like you." This time she stretched up on her tiptoes and kissed him on the nose before making her way to the kitchen and placing the roses in a vase of water.

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