Chapter 7

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Morning assemblies are always a drag. You stand under the sun for some time and then you head to the class. I look around at the other classes. Students were chatting all over, some you could see even engaged with their phones even though the school rules specify that bringing mobile phones on-premises is prohibited.

"Remember not to break out of line. Let's take part in the assembly enthusiastically" Ichika's voice came from the front of the line. Speaking in the friendliest of tones she had an aura around her that made people quietly obey her.

Despite the burden she faces, she can always act like a model high school student. And that bubbly personality of hers just adds more to her charm. All of the students quickly fell in line again at her request.

Things were going as usual but out of nowhere, I got a strange feeling. A cold mark on the back of my neck. I turned around slowly in an inconspicuous manner but nothing was out of order. Taylor and Kelan who were right behind me were chatting and it didn't look like they noticed something.

"Was that feeling just an illusion or...?"

"You feel that too?" Alex said from my front


"The gaze upon us – do you feel that?"

"I do albeit faintly," I told him what I felt a second ago.

He didn't reply. A couple of seconds after this a message appeared on my phone (How hypocritical of me). It was from Ichika

[Ichika]: We have a situation

[Kelan]: What happened?

[Katie]: It is the person keeping an eye on us isn't it?

[Ichika]: Yeah

[Colin]: It has been fixed on us for a good couple of minutes. Ain't no one in the school, I am sure of that...sneaky little shit.

[Taylor]: Is someone keeping an eye on us!?

[Tim]: Who is it?

[Colin]: We wouldn't be talking here if we knew, moron.

As I saw that text, I quietly noticed Tim close his phone and keep it in. his attempts at talking to people have been squashed repeatedly. But in my opinion, it was typical of Colin.

[Trystan]: Could these be the authorities?

[Christine]: No way!!

[Kelan]: Oh god!

[Taylor]: You've got to be kidding me.

No way that is the case right? I mean how the hell could that happen?

I wanted to say that but the list of suspects isn't long. Why would anyone we do not know want to keep an eye on us?

Just in the last couple of seconds, the mood here had shifted completely by 180.

[Jason]: Okay wait. Do not jump to any conclusions

[Joseph]: Yeah. At this point, we don't know who is visiting us. And wouldn't it be too early for them to just narrow everything down to us

[Alex]: If it is what you say, then who else do you think is keeping an eye on us?

[Ichika]: I checked that just now...this guy is Mason. He works at the DoD.

[Colin]: We're screwed, aren't we?

Mason... the guy who was there when I fought those demons. What is he doing here? Shit! Did he follow me here!?

[Alex]: Unbelievable.

[Trystan]: How did they even find us this fast?

[Colin]: Is it because of what happened in that red chick's team?

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