Chapter 8

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47 POV

The sand on my shoes danced along with the breeze. I had been looking at it for some time. With each gentle gust of wind, the layers of sand would replace each other and slowly pile up in places where the wind would not blow it away.


Ichika's voice reached my ears. My gaze shifted away from the sand to look in the front. Phil and Annie were not there. As far as I could notice there was only one adversary, Mason. The other people are probably hiding in the school. We would know soon of their location from Phil and Annie.

Even though I was the one who was going to be used as bait, I had no time to regret my actions or even talk about them. The fight was here already. I raised my guard, my muscles tightened and my core strengthened.

Each step we took brought us closer to the gate in front of us which would lead to stairs. For the other classes, this was routine. They had no idea a bloodbath was about to happen in a minute.

Some still looked confused and it showed on their faces. But as we slowly approached the gates that connect the field to the inside hall they must have realized it was useless to worry about it. Balled fists, some wiping their tears. I am pretty sure I saw Colin smiling thinly out of enjoyment.

Just as we were about to enter the building, we heard footsteps echoing from the inside. I was at the back so I couldn't see it at first but one by one, students from my class would move their heads out of line to see what was in front of them.

"We made it on time, thank god." That was Phil's voice, and he was out of breath. They didn't come here before the bell, so why are they here now?

"It's fine. We were just stopped on our way back by a teacher." Annie said, coming up from behind.

"You're to blame for that!" Phil said, turning to Annie.

These two appeared much calmer than everyone else. So much so that the rest of us watched in silence without interrupting them.

"Are" Kelan asked.

"There's no one inside the building, and we checked up on them too," Annie said. By 'them' she probably means the Flux guns. Kelan didn't care about the Flux guns as much as he cared about a positive response.

I cannot say that I'm not relieved.

"We are possibly safe for now, but be on your guard. Mason is still watching us. If there is no investigation then he is probably here to talk to 47," Ichika said.

A collective sigh of relief from almost everyone in the class. It looked like the danger upon us had been averted.

But, that relief just came from the external conflict. What about the internal battle we had seen just now?

Right after we reached our respective classes. A small announcement came from the speakers. It was connected to the principal's office. Someone had requested to visit me at the school. There wasn't a single doubt about who it was.

On my way there, I came across Mr. Gary who seemed to be heading toward the class I just left behind me.

"I heard the announcement. Has something important come up?" He asked me.

"Yes sir. An officer has asked to see me." I told him. This was known to the school authorities, I see no reason to not tell him.

"Why?" he asked, a bit perplexed.

"I was a witness to a demon sighting the other day, so it is probably about that."

"Oh god! Are you okay? Why didn't you tell me?" His expression changed immediately to concern.

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