Mike was the leader of the Party. It was his job to protect them.

But Mike did agree with one thing Lucas said.

They needed to find Will.


Mike came home to Morgan and Eleven lazing around in his living room. Morgan was laying on the couch backwards, head hung over the edge and hair spilling along the floor. Eleven was reclined in Ted's seat, watching with wide, curious eyes as Morgan played Batman. Eleven seemed enthralled by the colors as the fight scenes started with comic book designed 'BOOM' and 'BAM' popping up every time someone hit another person.

"But that is not what fighting looks like," Eleven said to Morgan in confusion.

"It's because they don't want any blood on screen since children can watch it," Mike answered, dropping his backpack and kicking the door closed.

"It's because they're a bunch of pussies," Morgan scoffed.

Eleven blinked and tilted her head. "...Pussies?"

Morgan snorted out a laugh, almost falling off the couch. Mike scowled and smacked Morgan with a pillow when he got close enough.

"Now look what you've done," Mike snapped as Morgan continued to laugh. "You're teaching her bad things!"

"Don't get your panties in a twist, Wheeler," Morgan chuckled, dodging when he threw another pillow at her. "She hears us curse all the time. It's fine."

Mike didn't look happy with it.

Eleven just looked confused.

Mike snatched the remote from Morgan and turned to the tv off. "I want to show her my collection," he said and Morgan grumbled but slid off the cushions, standing up. Mike helped Eleven off of Ted's recliner and grabbed both her and Morgan's hands, pulling them with him up the stairs.

The three went into Mike's room as the boy hurried over to one of the boxes filled with toys. It was clear Mike wanted to impress his new friend as Morgan watched on, completely amused. She remembered when he did the same thing to her and Will when they were kids. Mike had just found out Will was his soulmate and wanted him to come over. Obviously, Morgan was told to tag along because she was Will's best friend. The three ended up spending hours playing with the dinosaur toys in his room.

Eleven leaned into her side, staring at Mike with a small furrow between her brows. "What is he doing?" she asked her soulmate.

Morgan grinned and crossed her arms, resting her head against Eleven's shoulder. "He's going to try to impress you with his dolls."

Mike turned red from where he was dragged out toys from the box. "They're not dolls," Mike squawked. "They're figurines!"

"Literally the same thing but okay," Morgan mumbled, tilting her head to hide her face into her soulmate's arm.

Mike reached out and pulled Eleven over as Morgan grumbled, quietly whining as Eleven's body heat left her side. Mike slammed a Yoda figurine on the table as he and Eleven crouched down in front of it.

"Ready are you? What knows you of ready?" Mike imitated Yoda.

Morgan slapped a hand over her mouth to smother her giggles at the bewildered look Eleven gave Mike. Eleven glanced over at her, eyes practically screaming What's he doing? He's insane! Let's run while we can! and Morgan's shoulders shook in effort to keep from laughing.

"His name is Yoda," Mike explained. "He can use the Force to move things with his mind, like this. Whoosh!" He shoved everything off the table with his hands.

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