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The twins spend a weekend with their Mom before coming back in time for school on a Monday.

Estella was glad to have gotten away from Forks and especially the Volturi Kings for that weekend.

They'd been rather suffocating the last week. It'd grated on her every time she walked into the Cullens' house. She had to spend every moment with them.

The Monday seemed to go well as the twins got out of Edward's car until they saw Jacob Black and Sam Uley leaning against two motorbikes.

Sam didn't look so stern as Jacob did and Estella had the inkling that Sam was only there to keep the peace.

She ran to hug him and he smiled broadly.

"Sammy! How're you?"

" Good , Stelly. How was your weekend?"

" It was okay, I guess. I got a decent tan at least."

He laughed before turning with a sigh to Jacob and Edward who were arguing. " Jacob, stop it !," he said sharply, using his Alpha voice.

" But ,Sam, you know it's wrong to keep everything from Bella," he whined.

" It wasn't our call , Jacob. Let's go. Stelly, come by after school. Emily misses you."

" Okay. I will. I'm finally ungrounded."

He smiled at her as she bounced excitedly on her toes . Before anyone can stop Bella , she ruthlessly jumped onto the back of a bike with Jacob. Estella sighed before deciding she should go too just to make sure her sister doesn't do something stupid.

" Sammy, wait ! I'm coming with you ," she called out and ran towards the bike unaware that two of the Volturi guard were watching her.

" Estella!," Edward called after her, but she ignored him pulling on the helmet Sam handed her.

She waved to Edward just before they sped out of the school parking lot and Edward just stared helplessly. The Volturi Kings was going to kill him for not stopping her.

His eyes met that of Adrian and Demetri across the parking lot. They looked positively livid.

He shrugged at them indicating that he couldn't stop the smaller Swan twin from following her twin.

Adrian wagged a finger at him before he and Demetri left and he felt fear and worry course through him.

If he was still standing tomorrow, it'll be a miracle.

The twins spend the whole day with their friends at La Push Reservation. Estella even went cliff diving with some of the pack . It was freeing. She loved it .

By evening they got dropped off at home by Jacob and Edward with Demetri was immediately there once the boy left .

" Have you any idea how much you worried me ," Edward scolded them ," And why is that you smell like the ocean , Estella?"

Before she can answer that Edward stiffened as another smell hit him and he and Demetri both rushed upstairs to the twins' room.

" Another Vampire was in the house," Edward spoke as explanation at the wide eyed looks the girls gave him.

" We should tell the Masters ," Demetri said.

" And Carlisle. Get an overnight bag . You're both staying over at my house tonight," Edward added .

Estella almost groaned , thinking about all the fussing and codling she will have to endure. " I can't leave my Dad," she protested stubbornly only to be picked up and hauled out of there by Demetri.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2023 ⏰

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