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Estella stumbled slightly as she walked into the Cullens' living room wearing a blue onesie with superman characters on it and
on her feet were dark blue slippers that had superman's logo on top. She carried a superman fleece blanket with her and she actually looked half awake.

" Woah, Stella, why're you wearing your pj's?," Emmet asked , looking from wear he sat on a couch.

" Because someone decided to drag my half asleep behind here , in the middle of the blinking night I might add, and didn't even give me a chance to get dressed. Hey, at least I'm warm. I won't be catching hypothermia any time soon. Yay me!" She looked at Bella accusingly as she said the 'someone' part.

Emmet threw back his head and laughed at the sarcasm that dripped from her.
" And you brought a blankie too? All superman characters and everything? Do you have some kinda fetish for superman."

She shook her head." Nope. It was either this or my little pony and I am not a fan of my little pony." She moved to sit down on a couch, trying to ignore the fact that Caius moved closer to her so that she could lean on him.
" So why did Bella drag my sleepy behind here ?," she asked looking at the Cullens.

Carlisle shrugged, looking at Edward who didn't look quite happy.

" Bella decided that we all have to take a vote," Alice spoke up.

" Oh.... why ?"

" Because Edward isn't happy with me because I'm going to change Bella myself," Alice said," A vote makes changing Bella more official."

Estella narrowed her eyes as she looked around the room. " That is just plain silly. It's already going to happen , why vote? And FYI , I am not voting.... anything. "

" Yes you are, Stell. You're my twin. Your support would be greatly appreciated."

" But I don't wanna," she pouted childishly, pulling the blanket over her head.

" Come on , please,Stell ?"

She groaned, pulling the blanket off her head, squirming as Caius pulled her closer to him.

She looked at him and wondered why the Volturi hadn't stopped this silliness already. They were all sitting around, saying nothing. Even Aro was quiet.

" Okay, you are all weird , and I'm going home. Dad's gonna check up on us and freak out if he find our room empty." She pulled away from Caius, who sighed at that , and stood up.

" Estella, darling, why don't you kindly sit down," Aro finally spoke up," Let your sister have what she wants, and then you can come have a lie down with us if you still
desire sleep."

She looked at him and knew that she was to obey him if she doesn't want to get punished. She sat down and didn't even flinch when Caius wrapped an arm around her,she just felt a little bit cold and he wrapped the fleece blanket around her to remedy that when she shivered.

" Um... okay...right. Stell what's your vote going to be?," Bella asked ,looking at her earnestly.

Estella sighed, wishing she could just up and run away because she didn't want to vote. Especially not in front of the Volturi.

" Stell..."

" No. I vote no for Alice and yes for Eddie. Now please stop pestering me, Bells." She pulled the blanket over her head again and ignored Bella's grumbling about little childish twin sisters.

The voting ended quickly and Estella stood up." I want to go home now," she said," Dad's gonna ground us even more if we're not home , Bella."

" Technically, he already grounded us for the rest of our lives," Bella said.

" Yeah, I know , but he's not going to let us off on good behavior if we keep coming here."

" That's true . Sorry, Edward , but Stell and I gotta go. I think my twin's grumpy because Aunty Flo's knocking at the door."

Estella blinked then realized what Bella'd said. " That is so not true. Aunty Flo's not knocking. I can't even hear her. She's way...over in Bella Town."

Bella's eyes widened , her cheeks turning bright red. " Oh that is so not cool," she said getting ready to chase her twin and tackle her with a tickle attack or something.

Estella giggled and began running. " You can't catch me!," she taunted in a sing-song voice.

" Oh it's so on ," Bella said , smiling brightly before running after her twin.

The people left behind in the living room gaped after them having not expected such childish behavior from two eighteen year olds.

" Wow," Edward breathed," Stell does seem to bring out the strangest behavior from Bella."

" At least they're not hating on each other," Emmet commented and laughed when he heard a squeal and then a giggle coming from the younger Swan twin.

" Well," Aro said ," that kind of behavior will be stamped out once she comes to live with us, you can be sure of that. Anyway, Brothers, why don't we go and retrieve our little mate and see if she doesn't want to get some rest, now that this whole voting thing is out of the way. Before she goes home and not stop by again."

His words were scarcely said before the girls came back and Bella announced ," We're staying. Dad said we must be home at four this afternoon. He texted me."

Aro smiled and stood. " Come along, Dear Estella. Let's get some rest, shall we?" He held out a hand to Estella, who internally grumbled while walking towards him obediently.

"Not a fan of staying here , I see ," Edward spoke up before Aro can lead her away.

" Yeah , but Bells don't wanna take me home and I don't want to become Victoria's munchie , so..."

Edward nodded, but didn't say anything. He watched in silence as the three Kings left the living room to go to the guest room that Esme had readied for their use while they stay in Forks for the few days.
Estella shifted sleepily on her stomach, her body resting on Aro while the other two lay on either side of Aro , playing with her hair and hands.

" Brother, what are we going to do? We can't stay until she graduates and we can't just leave her here," Caius muttered so softly that even if the Cullens tried to listen in they'll only hear the soft murmur of his voice.

" I don't know, " Aro whispered , pressing a kiss against her forehead," We'll figure something out, Brother."

Estella wiggled her nose murmuring something in her sleep that sounded like " You smell nice." Aro smiled , shaking his head slightly. " We do, don't we?," he mouthed to his brothers.

Estella shifted again , trying to shift onto her side, but it's quite difficult with Marcus hold her hand on the one side and Caius doing the same on the other . Not to mention the hard body under her .

She began to wish , in her sleep addled brain, that Aro felt like a nice soft pillow and it wasn't long before he actually did and he didn't even realize it. Nor did his brothers. He became warm also because she wanted him to be and that his brothers did feel. It surprised them a little , but somehow they understood that it was her strange ability.

" Fascinating," Aro whispered," I can't wait for her to become one of us ."

Caius and Marcus shared a smile. Neither can they.
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