Before the trip (part 1)

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It has been 5 years since Moka Shiota, Nagisa's mother retired as the infamous assassin : Death Rose. And it's been 5 years Aston Shiota, Nagisa's father works as the principal of Naminori junior High. But for Lambo, even if he had friends with Karma, Nagisa and Kaede, loneliness feels forever but with I-Pin it's fine, since both of them are partners in crime and friendship.
Lambo was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard about his best friend : Nagisa.
« Lambo, who did this to you ? » Nagisa asked his friend.
« I just trip, that's all... » Lambo lied which didn't pleased Nagisa. Ever since his mother past as an infamous assassin, Nagisa learned through her to understand people's thoughts, wether their thoughts, emotions, when they lie or tell the truth.
« Don't lie to me Lambo, who did this to you ? » Nagisa asked once again in a serious tone.
« The classmates Nagisa, they say I'm stupid and I shouldn't be friends with you, Karma or Kaede, it's not true right Nagisa ? » Lambo asked his friend with teary eyes that show innocence. Apart from the fact he's the son of the principal and CEO's of one of the prosperous companies of Naminori, Nagisa knows the truth about his classmates, on the outside they respect Nagisa but on the inside they felt jealous of Nagisa's secret as the son of the principal. Even Nezu-Sensei, on the outside he considers Nagisa's as one of his best students and was pleasantly surprised to see Nagisa improving his grades in Science, but on the inside, he wants to get rid of Nagisa, Karma and Kaede since it reminded him of the infamous trio of Naminori : Tsuna, Gokudera and Yamamoto.
« Don't listen to them Lambo, you're our friend, we'll never abandon you, just rest, I'll take care of the rest. » Reassured Nagisa. After this he dialed the number of his uncle and godson : Reborn.
« Hello Nagisa, why are you calling ? » Asked Tsuna who's the student of Nagisa's uncle/godson and Vongola Decimo.
« Hello Tsuna, Can I speak with Uncle Reborn ? » Asked Nagisa. Before this, Nagisa hears some words like paperworks, threat and a manly Scream from the Vongola Decimo before speaks.
« Hello ? » Asked Reborn.
« Hi, uncle Reborn » Said Nagisa.
« Nagisa my favorite Nipote ! How's my little assassin doing ? » Asked Reborn.
« Fine, it's just about Lambo, uncle Reborn. » Said Nagisa.
« Let me guess, those bullies again ? » Asked Reborn.
« Yes, them again, I was thinking how about we make them a little visit to Italy 🇮🇹 , what do you think Uncle Reborn ? » Asked Nagisa.
« This is why you're my favorite nephew ! I'll ask your other uncle Hayato to teach Italian to your classmates and another student of mine... » Said Reborn.
« Dino ? » Asked Nagisa.
« That's right ! I'll personally talk to your father about the class trip and I guess I'll see you in class. Ciaossu, my favorite Nipote. » Said Reborn.
« Ciaossu, uncle Reborn. » Said Nagisa before ending the call. A few steps later, Nagisa arrives at his house which is a mansion by the way until he spots his mother.
« Nagisa, my baby ! » Said Moka while hugging her son.
« Hi, mom ! » Said Nagisa while hugging his mother.
« Glad to see you, Nagisa, my son » Said Aston with a smile to his son.
« Let's go home, right Nagisa ? Then you can tell us your day in school ». Said Moka.
The rest of the day was normal for Nagisa. Doing his homework, playing XBOX, Eating with his parents, reading a book and then sleeping for tomorrow because his uncle Reborn has a little surprise for tomorrow, especially during Nezu-Sensei's class.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2022 ⏰

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Nagisa Shiota x Classroom of the Elite : Class trip to Italy 🇮🇹 Where stories live. Discover now