Season 6 - Episode 7: I Forgive You

Start from the beginning

"I mean, we didn't exactly have time to exchange numbers. You just left us." Zane pointed out as he looked to you as you walked to the kitchen.

"That's because I wanted to get away from you and Paris! You both knew I had someone and you still pulled that flirtation shit!" You snapped as you went back to Zane, pointing a finger to their chest as you looked up at them, "The memory has been corrupting me with guilt since I came back."

"I know, I know. And I am so, so sorry, Y/N." Zane apologised sincerely as he looked down at you, "I tried to stop Paris and change her mind, but I just couldn't. I'm so sorry." He continued as tears of guilt brimmed his eyes. You looked at them for a moment before you sighed and hugged them.

Zane hugged you back, sobbing quietly as you both hugged each other. Your heart broke as you heard him, feeling guilty as well. You gently rubbed his back comfortingly as you spoke reassuring words. Within moments Zane finally calmed down. You both pulled away from the hug and sighed.

"I forgive you, alright?" You reassured Zane, "I just.." You sighed,

"I just need to learn to forgive myself."
"Y/N, I'm home, love!"

You were in the living room when you heard Jayden's voice as he walked in. You let out a nervous sigh before getting up to go and greet him.

It's been a couple of days since Zane came to your house. Over those few days, you thought about how you were going to tell Jayden about what happened. You were certainly anxious and terrified to tell him, but you knew you had to. You knew you had to tell him for the better.

You walked over and saw Jayden, making you smile. He went over to you and pressed a sweet, soft kiss to your lips.

"Jayden." You spoke up, making them hum in response. "We need to talk." You said in a serious tone. Jayden looked at you in concern and confusion in his eyes, "Oh.. Alright then." He managed out, placing his bag down and leading you to the living room so the both of you could talk.

"What did you want to talk about, love?" Jayden asked you gently as they looked at you, making you sigh and look down.

"I want to talk about what happened on the FBI assignment." You began, looking back at Jayden. He nodded understandingly as he continued to look at you, his attention not leaving you for a split second. You then sighed and looked down nervously before you began to explain.

"During that assignment, I had to pretend to be in a relationship with the criminal in order to get more information from him. He was attractive, but I didn't catch serious feelings." You explained nervously, "I also had a few people that I went undercover with. Those two people, well.." You sighed and looked away from him.

"They started to catch feelings for me. They were attractive, but I didn't really fall for them completely." You continued, "Though one of them.. One of them got too close and.. she kissed me." You said as you looked down nervously. Jayden nodded with a sigh as he continued to listen to you talk about what happened.

"The whole time I was on the assignment I felt so guilty. I hate myself so much, I.." You looked down as tears brimmed your eyes.

"I'm so, so sorry.." You cried softly, looking away from him.

You expected Jayden to get up and walk out of the room, leaving you alone. You knew he was upset. You had a feeling that he was infuriated. Though, you didn't know for sure. The thoughts in your head at the moment was that some of the things that you did on the assignment were unforgivable.

But that was proved wrong almost immediately.

Within moments you felt a pair of arms wrap around you, embracing you into a warm, much needed hug.

"It's okay."

The words that you didn't expect to hear Jayden say repeated in your head. Those forgiving words replayed until you sighed in relief, hugging Jayden back tightly. You didn't think that you would be in this spot after you told Jayden what happened. Out of the infinite outcomes, you were glad that this is the one you got.

Jayden looked down at you, "Don't cry, love. It's okay!" He said to you gently, "It was what you had to do. And unexpected things happen on assignments like that. I understand that you were scared and confused and that's completely okay." He reassured you, wiping your tears with his thumb as he cupped your cheek.

"Don't cry, my love." He cooed softly, resting his forehead against yours,

"I forgive you."

((Help this was such a shit episode))
((Hope yall like it tho.))

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