Part 10

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My love life was completely out of control. Why do I feel jealousy? I should not feel jealousy! But she looked so damn good. And she is his wife.

I opened the door to my apartment and all I wanted to do was taking a shower and hole up in bed for the rest of the day.

I threw my car keys on the small Kitchen counter and propped my arms on and took a deep breath.

„Where have you been all night?"

I winced, my heart was beating up and I turned around.

„Jimin!" I had to swallow, heat rose up and for sure my cheeks and ears were bright red.

„I came here early this morning, wanting to wake you up and have some breakfast with you, because I wanted to talk to you , but our bed was unused. So, where have you been all night?"

„Jimin .. please don't... not now!" I wanted to get to the bathroom and walked past him, but he held me back by my arm and pulled me close to him.

„Where... have... you .. been last night Joy!" his face close to my ear. I smelled his perfume wich he always uses. I felt the warmth of his body through my thin dress.

„I.. I don't have to tell you anything okay?!" I tore myself away from him and  tried to walk past him again. But he managed to hold me back again. But this time his grip was firm. He duged his fingernails into my flesh.

„ Jimin....!!!! You are hurting me! Stop it!"

„FUCK JOY!!! you better not have left your phone here. Who is he?"

„What do you mean?" I tried to free myself of his harsh grip on my arm.

Jimin reached into his pocket and pulled out my phone. He opened the screen and showed me the messages Tae and I were texting. I didn't saved him with his full name. Instead I used the clown smiley.

„Who is he?" Jimin held my phone in front of my face . I looked at him and my eyes filled with tears.

„ Fuck why Joy why?" he leaned his forehead against mine. His grip on my Arm tightened.

„Let go of me Jimin!" I whispered.

„Who is he?" he asked again.

I didn't want to tell him I was spending the night with my Boss.

„Jaejin!" shot out of my mouth.

He let go of me and nodded.

„So Jaejin Hmm?" he said softly and I could hear the tremor in his voice.

I rubbed the spot on my arm where he held me so tightly.

„Yes!" I whispered knowing that was a lie.

I had barely spoken and he screamed and threw my phone against the wall. I winced and my phone broke into pieces.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the bedroom. Jimin positioned me in front of the mirror he bought me when we moved in. He put me in such a way that I could see both of us in the mirror.

„I'm going to asked you one more time Joy! Who?"

He turned my head a little , pushed my long dark hair aside and I saw a big fat hickey on my neck.

I sobbed, should I say the truth? Was I better than him? Where the heck we ended up? We once loved each other . Do I still love him?

„As far as I know.. Jaejin is Gay or am I wrong?"

„Jimin please!!!" I started to cry.

„Did he satisfied you?"

„Jimin stop it!"

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