Part 3

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Later that evening .....

I couldn't get out of my head what Jimin Tae's response was when he said he was his fiancè's Boss. I mean , we never talked about marriage, it was never an issue. But Jimin's quick response to that concerned me.

We were both sittng on the couch watching TV.


"Yes Babygirl"

"Can i ask you something? I mean it's just something i was thinking about, nothing important really...Nevermind forget it." i sighed.

"No no, let's hear it. What's on your mind?" he pulled me closer to him and i laid my head on his chest.

"Today..when you met my boss..I mean.. he said ..Fiancè..!"

"You are not my Fiancé,are you?"

"Yes i know, but what if...!"

"Joy, i don't want to get married. It's fine the way it is between us. That's all i need!"

I don't know why his words had hurt me. I stood up..

" I 'm going to sleep Jimin."

"Baby, i have to go to the Club in a minute!" he got up and kissed me.

"Okay have fun!" i went to bed.

Jimin works in this nightclub as a singer. I may have just been ther two or three times. I never worried about him flirting with other girls. I knew it was his Job. I don't know why , but i decided to go to the club today and suprise my Boyfriend. I craweld out of bed and got ready after Jimin was gone for an hour.Grabbed my car keys and my purse and headed out.

When i arrived at the Club Jimin was nowhere to be seen.

"Oh hey Joy, long time no see!" the Club owner has become a good friend by now. He hugged me and patted my back.

" I can't see Jimin?" i said

" Oh , if he's not here he's either backstage in his room or he had to go for little Boys." he smiled and winked at me.

I smiled back and went backstage to Jimins room. I stood in front of the door and tugged atm clothes. He will be happe when he sees me i thought. I entered the code of his room and went in smiling.

But suddenly a shiver shot down my spine, tears ros and i had that lump in my throat again. I felt sick and had the feeling i would throw up.

I saw my Boyfriend fucking a Girl.....

I quickly walked out of the room and leaned against the wall, my hands holding my mouth shut so i didn't start to scream and my tears ran down my cheeks.

" No please No!" my voice was trembling. I went out of the Club in Tears and when i was back in my Car i just screamed.


I don't know how long i drove through the streets crying. When i got home i went to bed and somehow i fell asleep. The beeping of the door code of our apartment wok me up and immediately this lump in my throat build up again. My stomach was on a rollercoaster and i felt sick. I pretended to be asleep when Jimin came into the bedroom. He kissed my cheek and i tried not to cry.

"I love you, Babygirl!" he whispered and went into the Bathroom.

I pulled the blanket up to my mouth and bit into it, crying softly. Anyone would have screamed, broken up or anything like that long ago. But i didn't. I don't know why.

I tried to avoid him as much as possible. Every time he touched me i felt disgust. The thought of his Hands on her made me shiver.

When he asked what was wrong with me, i just said i had a lot of stress at work because of this Hotel Project.

A few Days later, i was sitting in our Company's Conference Room. The Meeting about the remodeling of the Hotel was going on. I could hardly concentrate.

Tae was explaining the process of the work,his gaze fell on me. As someone else took over the conversation my phone buzzed.

KTH: I hope you haven't deleted the code to my Apartment again.

I lifted my head and looked over at him. We just stared at each other. I shook my head slightly to tell him " No i didn't". He typed something into his phone again and it didn't take long for the message to reach me.

KTH: Tonight.

I looked back over at him and swallowed. Was i really going to do this? And suddenly i saw Jimin with this girl in fron of my eyes again.

I wrote back....

"I have yor code but not your adress." this time i stared at my phone.

He sent me his adress and when i should be at his place, exatly the time when Jimin has to go to the Club.

In the evening when Jimin was gone, i got ready. I thought about what should i wear. I decided on something sexy, maybe a bit too sexy. I pulled out the red lingerie that Jimin gave me to my Birthday. In addition, the matching panties. That's all i wanted to wear. I pulled my long Coat out of my closet and pulled it over me, tied it up. Grabbed my car keys and my phone and went off.

I was excited as i was on my way to Tae. I had the chance to turn around so i wouldn't make a bad mistake, but i kept driving. My Heart was racing like crazy when i stood in front of his door. My fingers were trembling and my brain was spinning.

"Calm down , Joy!" i whispered. Then i entered the code like in slowmotion.

beep beep beep beep....

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