𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝟐- 𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝟏

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Currently I was sitting in the library reading my book while Papa was writing a letter, and Sybil was reading a magazine on politics. It had been months since Matthew had last been at Downton before he returned to the Front. Everytime he left the more and more nervous I was. I had this pit in the middle of my stomach that could only go away when he came back home, safe and sound. All of a sudden Mary waltzed into the room.

    "Lizzie, honestly, you never leave this room." Mary states with a sigh. I look up to her with my mouth agape and tears start well up in my eyes. I then leave the room quickly and don't say a word. It's been so hard since Matthew has gone to War and I barely talk to anyone, except Mama and Sybil. I feel horrible because I don't talk to anyone, and I don't mean to come off as rude, it just happens.

~Sybil's perspective~
    "Lizzie-" I try to call her back knowing how hard Matthew being gone has affected her.
    "Mary, that wasn't very kind to you. You know how sensitive Lizzie is by Matthew being gone." Papa tells Mary sterly.
    "But everyone is worried, it's not just her, she shouldn't be so... sensitive."
    "Mary you should understand her fiance is out fighting on the front lines, how would you feel if it was your fiance?" I ask her.
    "Well of course I would be sad and frustrated but I also would at least try not to mope around all day and find something to do around the house." she states back. Papa then interrupts.
    "Mary, just give your sister time, it's been rough for not just her but for all of us since Matthew left." Mary then just huffs and turns around to leave.


~Robert's perspective~
    I was talking to Carson outside the concert doors when I saw Matthew arrive with Cousin Isobel. A smile plastered on my face as he saw me. I then go up to them and shake his hand.

    "Matthew my dear boy, welcome back."
    "Happy to be back cousin Robert." He smiles at me.
    "Come," I gester my hand to the concert doors. "Join us." We all then go into the concert room and see everyone currently talking and I look to see Elizabeth sitting down on her chair alone and look at Matthew as his face lights up as he sees her. I smile knowing that in all this dark time of the war there is still a light somewhere inside of it, and that is the love between my heir and daughter.

~Matthews perspective~
    I walk into the room with Cousin Robert and immediately look for Lizzie in the busy room full of people. I smile seeing her sitting in a chair in the front row on the left. I might only see the back of her head but knowing she's here means the world to me. I then slowly start walking towards her.

~Cora's perspective~
I turn around hearing Robert enter the room with someone and see it to be Matthew. I smile at both of them and turn to look at Lizzie. My smile turns down a little bit seeing Lizzie looking down at her feet and picking at her nails a little bit. I then look back to Matthew and see him slowly walking towards her. I smile more and I am so relieved to know Matthew is back after how hard it has been on Lizzie.

~Elizabeth's perspective~
    Just being at this concert pains me knowing that Matthew isn't here with me. I then feel a hand on my back and quickly stand up not knowing who it is. My eyes widen seeing Matthew right in front of me. I gasp as my mouth starts quivering as tears well in my eyes of relief and happiness knowing that he's ok, and real standing right in front of me.

    I step closer to him and put my hands on both of his cheeks. "You're here," I whisper with a rasp in my voice.
    "I'm here, my darling." He smiles at me and quickly sets his hat down on the chair next to us and hugs me while spinning me around. He then sets me back down and we both just smile at each other. I have never been so relieved and happy to see someone in my life. My fiance is back, and I'm going to soak up our time together as much as we can. I then look around the room seeing Mama, Granny, Mary, Edith, Isobel, and Sybil staring at us with smiles on their faces. I then look back at Matthew and he asks me with questioning eyes and a slight smirk,
    "Did they tell you I was coming back?" 
    "They never said a word." I told him with a little smile. I nod at Mama as a thank you for the surprise. I then gestured for Matthew to sit next to me because the concert was about to start. The music starts and I look to Matthew as he turns to me and he then grabs my hand as we listen to the lovely music.

𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐥𝐞𝐲- 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐰 𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐥𝐞𝐲Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang