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I glanced up at the sky from my balcony, damn it was beautiful out. I could hear the shuffling going on downstairs, and I desperately tried to ignore it.

I sighed and stood up walking back into my room and closing the door behind me. I grabbed my shoes and threw them on running downstairs.

"Where do you think your going?" My stepfather shouts at me, shooting daggers at me.

"For a run or a walk, which ever I am feeling." I tell him shrugging my shoulders.

"Just be safe." My mom my tells me, she rubs her belly, I can see the slight pain in her eyes.

Yes, my mom is pregnant and could give birth at any moment with my baby sister. Well, half sister. She is low on nutrients and her vitamins plus she has done coke twice since being pregnant on top of still drinking, not as much as before but still.

The piece of shit that sits next to her does another bump and then groans out loudly. I roll my eyes at him and glance back at mom.

"You good? Not going into labor yet?" I ask her.

"She would be a month to early for that." My mom waves me off, so I turn around and go for my quick walk.

I pull out my phone and text my best friend Theo. We have been friends for over 6 years now and we are basically inseparable. I mean, he's seen my tits more times then I can count.

He's very much happily into a relationship with his man Clay, they have been dating for a year and half now. Trust me I know I am a huge third wheel. But they both don't mind me hanging around, thank god.

Bitch where are you?? -Theo

I told you I can't come, mom looks like shes gonna pop any second now plus its a school night. -Me

I love your dumbass, those are the worst excuses ever. Text me in the morning, and push that baby back in! -Theo

I chuckle lightly, putting my phone away I turn around and walk back towards my house. This is the only kind of peace I can have in that household, it can only last about 10 minutes before father-dickhead starts losing his shit.

I take a deep breathe in before opening the front door.

"Bout damn time." He mumbles, taking a puff of his cigarette. I simply ignore him and look at mom.

"Your sweating, and turning red. Your lips are slightly blue. We should take her to the hospital." I turn towards the baby daddy.

"You take her, I have work to be done here." He mutters, standing up and walking out of the living room.

I sigh, grabbing moms arms and hauling her up from the couch to which she yelps in pain.

Almost immediately, she pisses herself. Might have been her water breaking but who knows, all I know is her red maternity sweats turned darker.

"Come on, this isn't good." I mumble and pull her towards the front door.

"I am taking the car!" I yell to step-daddy.

Getting her to sit inside the car turned out to be more painful for her, I was slowly starting to worry.

About 10 minutes later I was pulling up to the front of the hospital and hopping out of the car, banging on there front doors. Moms groaning pains turned into screaming and it looked like she continued to wet herself.

I am no doctor.

"What happened?" One of the nurses asks me as she wheels the wheelchair towards my mom.

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