"I don't see why not." She smiled at me. I grabbed a few pancakes, drizzled a little syrup on them, and walked up toward Nancy's room.

I quickly pulled out a bobby pin from my pants pocket and placed it in the lock of the door, jiggling it a little so it would unlock. I could hear a quiet talk from them behind the door and I was ready to be faced with something ugly.

"Your mom doesn't knock?" I heard Jonathan ask. I opened the door, making both of them jump.

"Nope and neither do I," I announced myself. They looked at each other in shock and stared at me. "Oh, Nancy, your mom made blueberry pancakes. They're very good. You should have some." I gestured to Jonathan, who looked up at me with a guilty look.

"Delilah, please close the door," Nancy muttered.

"Oh, my bad. Don't want to expose anything." I chuckled, shutting the door behind me and locking it. "Now, why don't we start with a story?"

"Where were you last night? You didn't come home." Nancy asked in a guilty voice. I smiled as I walked toward the window seat and sat down.

"Yeah, I was with Steve, who might I add, saw you two in here," I explained with a sarcastic smile on my lips. They looked at each other with wide eyes and Nancy covered her face in frustration. "And you two are lucky I convinced him to leave before he came in and cause a commotion."

"It wasn't like that, Delilah," Jonathan said. I looked over at him with a shocked smile.

"Please, enlighten me." I gestured to them to start their story. They looked at each other with serious looks before turning back to me.

"We found it," Nancy said, making me choke on my pancake. Instantly, Jonathan came over, patting my back so I wouldn't die from choking.

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked as Jonathan sat next to me.

"We found where it lives and we know it comes when there's blood." He explained. My eyebrows pulled together in confusion as I looked over at Nancy.

"So are you going out to find it again?" I asked. They looked at each other.

"No. We want to bring it out. We just need weapons." She explained. I rubbed my temples, trying to process this.

"You want to summon a demon?" I asked, looking over at Jonathan. He shrugged and looked over at Nancy.

"Essentially?" He said, looking back over at me.

"Okay, well, that doesn't explain why you were in bed with her."

"We didn't sleep together, Delilah. Not in the way you're thinking." Nancy objected. I looked over at her. "I went to where this thing lives and it's like another dimension. It's cold and dark and gross. I was freaked out so I asked him to stay." Now I felt like an idiot. There was no way Steve and I could be together. They did nothing.

"So that must be where Will and Barb are." I perked up, looking at both of them.

"We're hoping so. We just need to kill this thing. And we need your help." Nancy explained. I nodded, jumping up and looking between them.

"What do you need?" I asked, ready to help save Will and Barb.

"Weapons. So, let's go." Jonathan ushered, opening the window. I looked over at Nancy and she shrugged.

"Let me get dressed and I'll be down with you." She said. I looked over at Jonathan, who held out his hand. I took it and stepped onto the roof. It was way easier to get down in the daylight rather than at night.

Watching Jonathan try to reach the box was the funniest thing I had seen. He started to run toward his car, but I went to mine first. Steve could wait until after we fight this monster thing, and if I don't make it, at least he had the night.

The New Girl | Steve Harrington Fanfic!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें