Chapter 19 Demon Kingdom (1)

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Sage gently put Zerha down as they arrived outside the land of the Demon Kingdom.

“Over there is the Demon Kingdom, Milady.” Sage pointed and suddenly, one cub ran to Sage and climbed onto his head, while the other two were on Zerha’s head and shoulders.

“T-that’s the Demon Kingdom?” Zerha was shocked. She never expected that the Demon
Kingdom was bigger than the Haria Kingdom, most especially the castle of the Kingdom.

The entire castle emitted dark magic. Even though they were still far away from the castle, they could feel the presence of powerful demons in there.

“I have been wanting to ask you this, Milady. Why did you choose to stay at the Haria
Kingdom? You will just put yourself in danger since you are a demon. Once they learn about
your true identity, they will kill you…”

Oh yeah, Sage doesn’t know that I was a human in my past life and got reincarnated. I didn’t choose to stay in the Demon Kingdom, because I’m scared of them. Who would not be afraid of them? I was just a normal high school kid back then, and suddenly I got reincarnated at this place and became a demon. Sigh. But when I saw the demons for the first time, I didn’t even feel scared of them even though it was
my first time seeing them. Is it because I’m a demon myself? Zerha thought. “I just don’t like to stay in the Demon Kingdom,” she said and faked a laugh.

The demon queen frowned. She was confused as to why Zerha chose to stay in the place where
demons’ enemies lived. “Tsk. Let’s go! What are you still waiting for?” The demon queen spoke up.

Zerha sighed. “Let’s keep moving, Sage. Oh, by the way, you furry babies need to stay invisible, okay?”

“Woof!” They barked in response.

I can’t believe they understand me. Tsk. No need to be surprised; this is a different world. Zerha
thought, and they began walking and entered the Demon Kingdom.

At first, Zerha was stunned by how many demons she saw. Demons lived normally like humans. There were houses and markets as well. There were many demons, old and young alike, that she saw as they walked in the street.

While walking, Zerha observed the demons and noticed that demons had different forms of
horns. Many of the demons that she saw had a normal pair of small horns on their heads. It was her first time seeing a demon that had a deer-like horn, shell horns, twisted horns, regal horns, and many more.

Huh? Why haven’t I seen a horn that is big like mine? Zerha merely sighed and pulled the hood of her robe to cover her face and her big horn. Zerha sneaked a peek at Sage’s horn and noticed that she didn’t see any demons that had a horn like his. Sage’s horn was called an imperial horn. It might look like ordinary horns that you saw in movies, though in this world, that horn signified that one belonged to royalty.

“Is something wrong, Milady?”

“Ah, no…” If I ask Sage why there are different types of horns, he might think that I am not from this world. And he will keep asking more questions, and I’m too lazy to explain. Sigh.

“Many things have changed in the Demon Kingdom,” the demon queen remarked. I wonder where her original body is… Zerha thought as her eyes swept over the place.

“Hey, weak demon. Who is the new demon king, or is it a queen?” the demon queen asked.
Huh? Oh my gosh, I don’t know! Zerha was startled. She looked at Sage and planned to ask him. She was just hoping that Sage didn’t ask any questions about why Zerha didn’t know the name of the demon that ruled the Demon Kingdom.

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