Signs at a restaurant

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♈️ Aries: Resisting the urge to flip over the table when the wrong dish arrives *again*

♉️ Taurus: I'll have my usual 

♊️ Gemini: Can't decide what to order and ends up asking the waiter to surprise them with a dish

♋️ Cancer: Gathers up everyones dishes for the waiter

♌️ Leo: Tries to sit at the head of the circular table 

♍️ Virgo: Could have used a little less rosemary 

♎️ Libra: *waiter introduces himself* Guys i think the waiters flirting with me 

♏️ Scorpio: gazes into romantic candlelight and imagines who they'd burn 

♐️ Sagittarius: Restocking on ketchup *In other words stealing ketchup packets* 

♑️ Capricorn: Configures a way to split the bill 4 ways 

♒️ Aquarius: Calculating how much longer till the food will arrive 

♓️ Pisces: I love the vibes in here *forgets to look at menu*

ZodiacsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon