Signs in a group chat

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Aries ♈️ - Replies in many short texts - with emojis

Taurus ♉️ - Sends one message which no one replies to

Gemini ♊️ - Talks to everyone at the same time 

Cancer ♋️ - Considering what to text back for a long time 

Leo ♌️ - Perfect grammar (literally)  

Virgo ♍️ - Responds to every text on time 

Libra ♎️ - Light and sweet 

Scorpio ♏️ - Constantly texting - at any time 

Sagittarius ♐️ - Happy to get a random text from someone but replies later

Capricorn ♑️ - Short text *proceeds to facetime*

Aquarius ♒️ - Quick one response and not seen again for a while 

Pisces ♓️ - Lots, and lots of memes

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