"Nah, man. How's that violating? I didn't say any names," Caprice has an outburst.

"The use of the word she. It's too direct. He could get away with 'hoe' or 'bitch' because that's general," the prosecutor clears her throat feeling awkward using that language.

"It's third person. It could be general. He could be talking about an ex, his girlfriend or now wife, any woman. How do we know he's referring to a victim on the case?" The defense argues.

The judges notes it asking, "What else do you have?"

"We have proof the defendant met with several of his victims." When she lists who, Magenta's not amongst them. Apparently, Caprice went on an apology tour. During those meetings he allegedly offered some of them money.

It's like he's purposely trying to get his bond revoked. She can see him doing that. Apparently, he's been receiving more threats after blaming Destin. It seems as though Caprice would rather be back behind bars than out in the free world.

That's apart of the reason he rushed and married Felicity in Las Vegas. She's sitting front row with their baby looking a fool. He wanted to make it permanent before he has to go back to jail.

He felt like he had to prove his love, especially with her now being the mother of his child. Another thing that plays a part is the confession he made to Magenta. Caprice knows at any second it can be revealed to her sister. He married her out of guilt and paranoia.

Lastly, it helps to present himself as a family now. Look, I'm married with a daughter. It's a sympathy play. Caprice never truly valued Felicity more than a tool in his belt.

But little did Felicity know a day before he married her in a strip wedding chapel, he was back to his old ways. For the prosecutors last reason why he should be remanded back to custody is that Caprice allegedly tried to assault one of Felicity's friends.

"We also have evidence Mr. Wilcox may have attempted to sexually assault another woman while out on bond," the prosecutor makes the revelation.

Magenta completely pauses from putting on her eyelashes to look at her iPad. "You should've lead with this," the judge motions for the D.A. to come forward after asking to approach the bench.

As they go into detail, she's in shock. Evidently two days before they wed, Caprice and Felicity flew to Vegas with a group of friends. While on this trip, they had bachelor and bachelorette parties.

Sometime that night, Caprice saw one of Felicity's bridesmaids in the lobby of their hotel. She was heavily intoxicated and Caprice offered to help her get upstairs to her room. Instead, he took her to his room. He offered her a drink that he said would help her not have a hangover in the morning.

From there, the woman claims she passed out. When she woke up Caprice was on top of her. She eventually fought him off and ran out of the room. A security video from the hotel was presented where you can see her running down the hall half-dressed.

The next morning Caprice sent the victim text messages apologizing, saying he loves his soon-to-be wife, and begging for her not to tell Felicity or go to authorities. The woman went to the police, filed a report, then left Las Vegas.

"The defendant was told the conditions of his bond," the judge starts. "You were told not to mention victims in any capacity. You were told not to be in contact with them. Let's note that you violated the gag order the last trial. The rules didn't change just because it was ruled a mistrial. You had plenty of warnings and opportunity. I hereby remand the defendant to custody in violation of discovery protective order and personal contact order. You will be held in county until the trial date, which I hereby set for September 27th," the judge concludes as they cuff Caprice.

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