Heroes and Villians

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Dedicated to you,
my charming reader
by me, a cloud walker.

Eomma: Mom
Oppa: Big Brother ( doesn't have to be related. How a younger korean girl refers to an older korean boy)
In Korea, people put a lot of emphasis on the fact a person is older, it's required that they should be respected by people younger than them, even if its just a year.

In most cases: Older = wiser

How much pride can a human being have? I mean, whats the equilibrium in the spectrum that can make a generally respected guy? Humble without being labled as a basketcase, confident without appearing haughty or arrogant? It's a delicate balance that people either take for granted and...or use it to their own advantages.

Can kids even have pride? Like they've only been in the world for like...not even a decade.

Mom always told me to be polite, especially to elders. I get it, being a know-it-all in front of someone who could do addition better than you is pretty funny. They probably know what all the buttons in the remote control mean or how to ask for more ketchup from the cashier.. all grownups must be like that, that's why I respect them.

But still, even as a kid, it wouldn't be TERRIBLE to have some dignity.


Especially from my *ehem* ˢⁱˢᵗᵉʳ

"Chaerin stop messing with my toys, you have your own." lazily reaching behind me, I expected to snach him back from the grinning toddler I wished I was babysitting minimum wage, but when my hand felt nothing, it's as if her presence vanished.

Straight from a thriller scene, why am I not surprised.

Turning around, I can feel her giggling, no sound involved. This brat's been in my life for so long I eventually got the ability to echolocate.

And like a bat from a cave, I felt her rising up, spawning from the side of my bed. Spiderman being held captive as she ran silly, shutting the door close.


I stared at unbelief, my senses finally catching up. In instict, my knees would get into position to begin chasing her.

"Haha, so she does know how to close my door." I plop to my bed, closing my eyes. Spidermanless

To save some misunderstanding, no, Chaerin Kim is NOT my sister, biological or otherwise. Which is good, thankfully. If I was somehow even a slight chance related to her, my IQ would decrease by 50, and my chances of being charged for attempted arson would increase.

Trust me, I was really against it, then and now, gosh especially now. It all started 3 years ago when Mom and Dad decided I didn't want to be alone. Parents are always like that. When they see their 8 year old kid just staring blankly at a wall for 3 hours straight, they automatically think something's wrong with them. They thought I needed company, which no.

And I was right! Just when my parents gave me my new marvel collection, another delivery appeared on my doorstep, or so I thought...

I remember rushing down the stairs, not even noticing my parents  preparing themselves as I open the door, and lo' and behold...

I met her.

She looked exactly like what her name meant. Chaerin, in Korean... meant, pft...colorful unicorn...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2022 ⏰

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