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Justin Bieber

Selena and I were at the beach, enjoying each others company. There was not that much people around, we were actually alone. Paparazzi were nowhere to be around. Well for now. The sun was out and it was a perfect day to go out for a swim. If you were at least coming to Hawaii for vacation might as well go to the beach.

"Babe, over here." I looked back and realized I was going the wrong direction. Selena was in white shorts and a pink bikini. Damn, she looked hot. I almost got a boner just thinking about it.

I walked over to her, as she placed some of our stuff on the soft yellow sand. I flipped off my flip flops and took of my shirt, Selena did the same. I grabbed her hand as we walked down to the water."Could you check if it's cold first?" Selena asked I smiled at her and nodded.

"Anything for you, baby doll." I walked down further until the water was a little below my knees. To my surprise, it was pretty warm. I smiled up at my beautiful baby and motioned her with my hand to come closer. She walked over slowly, teasing me."Babe, come on don't do that now"

"Do what?" She acted innocent.

Oh, she was going to get it. I grabbed her waist once she was close enough and lifted her up off the ground. Her legs wrapped around mine as I supported her with my hands on her butt. She giggled as I spun her around a couple times.

"Just stop you're making me dizzy." I chuckled.

"Can't help it, love. You shouldnt have teased me."

"You know you liked it."

"Hell yeah I did, but that doesn't mean you're going to get away with it" We both laughed at each other. But, I cut her off short as I smashed my lips against hers. It wasn't too smooth or too short. It was perfect. I felt tingles on my lips when she kissed me. I loved it. I suddenly heard a 'click click' but, didn't think anything of it. Probably just some tourist getting a picture of the beautiful view.

I then sat her down onto the ground and grabbed her hand once again. I pulled her close to me as our chests were touching. I hugged her and she hugged me back.

I was so happy with Selena, I was always happy with her. Nothing could change that. I was starting to fall for Selena and hard. She was my everything. She was my whole world.

"I love you" she whispered against my shoulders.

"I love you too, baby doll. I love you too."


After the beach, Selena and I went to get some ice cream from scooper's ice cream shop. They had the best flavors there. Selena got cookie dough, and I got a Pink berry. We sat down in one of the booths eating our ice cream and talking. There was an old couple here too. They were feeding each other ice cream and they seemed so in love.

"That's going to be us one day." I told Selena. She turned around to look at the old couple that I was talking about.

She blushed a light pink and smiled widely, while turning back to look at me."Aw, they're so cute."

"I know but, we are cuter." She giggled her cute laugh which made me smile. I couldn't stop thinking about her. Her eyes, her smile, her hair, she was absolutely breathtaking. Nothing compared to Valerie. Sure, Valerie was beautiful but, nothing like Selena. No one could compare to her.

I loved Valerie, but Selena was the one for me.

"So what are you doing tonight?"

"Nothing, got to go home to Valerie you know how she is." I rolled my eyes at that.


"Baby, please don't be sad, We will hang out again soon I promise love"

"It's not that, I just want to know when your going to tell her about us, I'm tired of hiding Justin." I huffed out and looked down. Truth was I didn't know when I was going to break it off with Valerie. Every time I tried, It felt as if my heart was going to explode out of my chest.

So, I told Selena the best possible answer I could only think of. "Soon, my love."

Just to clarify this is not a Jelena story. All of this is necessary to build the plot which you'll see in a few chapters. I know its boring now but I promise it's going to be so good. Stick with me.

Tears in The Rain [Justin Bieber]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang