Chapter Three

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Rick and Evelyn O'Connell were getting off the small plane with their close friend Ardeth Bay. They had landed in Richmond and were heading to the car rental office. Ardeth and Rick carried their luggage, trailing behind Evelyn, or Evie as she likes to be called.

"Now, why are we here again?" Rick was puzzled about the sudden trip, his wife didn't disclose all the details that were spoken over the phone. Evie sighed knowing Rick is going to keep asking and that Ardeth was listening as well. Ardeth had received an almost panicked phone call from Evie telling him that he was to accompany them to the States. He didn't get time to respond before Evie hung up, so he packed a bag and left for their home.

Evie left her husband and Ardeth outside the rental car office while she rented an SUV capable of going off-road. She has learned from their past few expeditions that it is better to be over-prepared. The three of them ventured to the newer Jeep Wrangler and loaded up, then she answered, "Elijah, the man who called, explained that a young woman mysteriously appeared in front of them and is speaking a language none of the people can understand. He informed me that he, himself, is versed in several languages, but unfortunately, he didn't understand a word the woman was saying."

Rick studied his wife's face from the driver's side, "There's more to it. What are you leaving out?" Knowing she has been caught, Evie says, "Elijah said the woman was panicked and distressed. She didn't recognize where she was, or the people around her until she saw one particular girl. He said she got angry, pointed at the girl, and called her Anck-su-namun." The last part was said quietly but both men heard.

"You gotta be kidding me?! Didn't we just deal with her?" Rick groaned, he was frustrated with Evie throwing this on them. Before he could rant about it some more, Ardeth spoke up, "What's the woman's name?" Evie took a deep breath knowing this situation would get more interesting, "Omorose." "Omorose? Are you sure?" Ardeth questioned. Evie nodded her head, "Yes. Elijah said she pointed to another girl and called her Anck-su-namun after pointing to herself and stating her name as Omorose. Then another man introduced himself as Kol and pointed to the girl and annunciated her name, Elena. Omorose became even more panicked."

Rick slightly turned in his seat, "Why did it seem like you know something too?" Ardeth rubbed his Medjai tattoo on his wrist, "Omorose was the forgotten twin sister of Nefertiti. Only those that were close to the Pharaoh knew of existence. The Medjai were told stories about how the second daughter of the Pharaoh disappeared during Imhotep's ritual to bring back Anck-su-namun. The true ritual." "Well, that's just great. Let's hope this isn't a repeat of what happened in Hamunaptra," Rick turns to face the front, not catching the look Evie and Ardeth shared. They knew better, things may get just as crazy as when Imhotep rose from the dead.

The three out-of-towners drove past the Mystic Falls sign a short two hours later. Elijah had arranged for them to meet at the Mystic Grill before venturing to the Mikaleson home where the young woman was currently under a sleep spell cast by Esther. Omorose had a panic attack and passed out when Klaus' cell phone rang. She was too overwhelmed to stay conscious.

Rick entered the Grill first followed by Evie with Ardeth behind them both. Rick and Ardeth surveyed the establishment and its patrons. Evie looked past Rick, scanning the patrons for Elijah. She was told a brief description, and she found him easily enough. Elijah was sitting in a booth with one other man with similar features. "Come along you two," Evie walked over to the booth with her husband and Medjai following.

Elijah stood and greeted the trio, "Hullo. I'm Elijah." He took Evie's outstretched hand and kissed the back of it like the noble gentleman he is. Evie blushed, "Pleasure, Elijah. I'm Evelyn or Evie O'Connell." Elijah let go of her hand to shake Rick's, "Richard O'Connell, her husband." Then Elijah turned to the third man, "Ardeth Bay." They all took a seat at the booth, Elijah and Kol on one side, Evie and Rick on the other with Ardeth grabbing a chair from a nearby table and sitting at the end.

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