I don't remember

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Killua sits up and rubs his eyes, looking around in confusion. Killua looks at the chair next to his bed to find it empty.

I'm suppose to go home today... I'm excited, but I feel bad for not remembering anything... Gon doesn't seem too sad about it, but I'll try my best for him.

The door to Killua's hospital room opens, revealing the nurse from yesterday, "Hello, Mr. Freecss. You are being discharged today. Your husband is out in the lobby checking you out and is getting your medication." The nurse walks closer to Killua and sets down her clipboard, "Will you please give me your arm with the IV in it?" Killua complies and watches while the nurse carefully, but quickly removes the needle and replaces it with a cotton ball. The nurse puts some medical tape over the cotton ball to keep it in place, "This will feel uncomfortable, but I'm going to have to remove your feeding tube and a few other things." The nurse says pointing to Killua's privates.

About 30 minutes later Killua is all set with no tubes or needles in him any more. The nurse that has been taking care of Killua is wheeling Killua out of his room with a wheelchair. The nurse turns the corner and makes an 'ah!' noise, "Mr, Freecss! I see you're all set, he's all yours now. If anything goes wrong, please come back immediately. Killua's been on a feeding tube for a little while, so make sure he eats soft food that digest easily, okay? Also, make sure he takes his pain medicine if his sprains are starting to hurt!" Gon nods, muttering an okay, then smiles and takes over, wheeling Killua towards the elevator.

Gon presses the button to the main floor and leans down and softly kisses Killua's cheek, "I was so worried, Killu.." Killua looks up at Gon and smiles, "I'm glad I'm still here though. I hope I'm able to fall in love with you again, Gon..." Killua says while looking away.

Gon smiles and hums, "Me too..." Gon whispered.


Once Gon gets Killua situated in the car, they're on their way back home.

Gon's giddy to be back with his love and Killua's excited for what he's going to see and experience.

Gon looks over at Killua, "You probably don't remember, but we live in the mountains Killua. I'm in the middle of getting you a new phone, since yours broke." Killua hummed, "W-what happened to my phone?" Gon slowly intertwined their fingers and inhaled, "I don't know all of the details myself, but someone at your pervious job tried to kill you and broke your phone while trying to hurt you, hence the reason why you have injuries all around." Gon slowed the car down to stop at the red light in front of them. Gon lifted Killua's hand and kissed it, "I'm glad that you're safe now, Killua." Killua smiles, "Me too..." Killua says looking away a few seconds later.

About 45 minutes later they arrive at their house. Killua's eyebrows raise and he smiles, "I didn't realize we lived in a house this big!" Killua exclaims. Gon chuckles and nods, "Yeah, I hope you still feel at home." Gon gets out of the car and opens Killua's door, "C'mon babe, let's go inside." Gon says while reaching out his arms. Killua leans over towards Gon, so Gon could carry Killua inside.

Once Gon and Killua are inside, Gon sets Killua on the couch in their living room. Gon crouches down to Killua's height, "I'm gonna go get your wheelchair and meds okay?" Gon begins to walk away, "Don't move, I don't want you getting hurt." Gon adds.

Killua lays back on the couch and looks around the living room. The exterior and interior are made of wood, so are the floors. In front of Killua a big flat screen tv sits above a fireplace with a few pictures of Gon and Killua smiling together. Killua looks over to his left and sees a big window with a small table and 2 chairs in front of the window. Killua hears something behind him and sees Gon walking in with his things, "It's starting to get cloudy, meaning it's probably going to rain, so I can't bring you outside today Killua, I'm sorry." Gon says while putting Killua's things near the door. Killua rotates a little, hissing in pain, "I-I uh- it's fine, Gon... I kind of just want to lay down today..." Killua says quietly. Gon walks over and hums, "Thats fine. C'mon, let's go upstairs." Gon says reaching his hands out. Killua leans forward and Gon and carry's him up the stairs without a struggle.

Killua continues to look around and spots a few more pictures of him posing and a few more pictures of him and Gon together. Killua looks up at Gon, "It looks like we go hiking a lot." Killua murmured. Gon smiles and kisses Killua head, "Mhm, we would go every week and try and find a new sight to look at." Gon says with a smile.

Gon sets Killua on their bed and walks to the bathroom across their room and sets Killua's medicine on the counter. "I can show you the rest of the house later, but right now, I want you to rest, okay? It's what the nurse highly suggested." Gon kneels down and takes Killua's shoes off and helps Killua lay down. Killua hisses in pain again, "Mhm, understandable.." Killua gasps a little. Gon walks back into the bathroom to grab Killua's pain medicine, "Here take this." Killua complies and swallows the pill quickly, already feeling sleepy. Gon tucks Killua in bed, "I'm gonna go clean up the house and make dinner, okay? You stay here and if you need anything just yell for me." Killua nods and watches while Gon exits their room. Killua closes his eyes and begins to fall asleep..

Gon walks downstairs and busies himself with cleaning. It takes him about 2 hours to clean everything up. Gon doesn't want to risk Killua slipping on anything.. especially if he's in his wheelchair. Once Gon is done cleaning, Gon walks into the kitchen and thinks about what would be okay for Killua to eat.

Gon gets out a pan and places salmon on it when the pan is warmed up. Gon cuts up some lemons and mixes some spices together to put on the salmon. Cooking the salmon doesn't take too long, so once he's done with that, Gon makes some white rice.

These should be easy for Killua to digest.. I should make him some herbal tea!

Gon gets back to cooking and makes the tea for Killua.

Once Gon is done with everything, he makes his way upstairs to Killua.

"Killua..!" Gon whispers.

No response.

Gon shakes Killua very lightly, "Killuaaaa, wake up! Dinners ready." Gon whispers again.

"Mhmmmm~" Killua groans.

It took almost 10 minutes to get Killua out of bed, "It always was pretty hard to wake you up!" Gon laughs. Killua groans and leans his head on Gons chest, "It smells good." Killua mumbles. Gon walks into the kitchen and sets Killua down on the counter, "I made us salmon and white rice!" Gon sets up the plates of salmon and rice and carry's Killua to the table, setting him down in a chair. Gon walks back into the kitchen to get the tea and gives it to Killua, "This should help with the soreness." Gon says. Killua nods, "Thank you, Gon.." Killua muttered with a small smile. Gon hummed and they began to eat.

While they were eating, a question came to Killua's mind. Killua clears his throat, catching Gon's attention, "U-um.. what about my parents?" Killua timidly asks. Gon furrows his brows, "Hm?" Gon hums. "My parents? Do they know what happened..? Shouldn't I tell them I'm awake?" Killua clarified. Gon made an 'ohhh' face, "Since your phone is broken, I already told them. They were really worried.. but relieved that you're okay now!" Gon says looking away. Killua hums and gets back to eating, Gon following a few seconds after him. Killua starts to look nervous and stops eating, "Killua? Are you alright?" Gon asks leaning forward. Killua looks away and purses his lips, "I-I um.. since I don't have a phone.. c-could I talk to my parents..?" Killua cautiously asks. Killua doesn't know why, but he feels a little scared asking. Gon's face becomes emotionless, "I don't have their numbers." Gon says flatly. Killua's eyebrows furrow and he inhales sharply, "Uh- um okay." Killua muttered.

Gon and Killua ate in silence for the rest of their dinner. Gon cleans everything up when they're both done eating, Killua sitting and staring at the table. Gon walks up to Killua, rubbing his back, "Do you want me to show you the rest of the house real quick?" Killua eyes Gon and sighs, "Tomorrow.. I'm tired, sorry." Killua whispers. Gon hums and carry's Killua bridal style up to their room.

Gon helps Killua get ready for bed, Gon doing the same not long after. Gon lays Killua in their bed once he's done and does the same right after, "Good night, Killua." Gon says kissing Killua's cheek. Killua turns to his side, "Night, Gon." Killua says lowly. Gon sighs and closes his eyes, going to sleep.

Why can't I call my parents... wouldn't it be weird for a married couple to not have the other parents numbers?

Killua thinks for the a while, until sleep overcomes him too.

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